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New features delivered in 3.6.2

This release includes performance and stability enhancements. The enhancements lower the overall load incurred by the CRM Object Queue engine and provide administrators with improved control over which CRM classes are being monitored by Data Bridge for event streaming purposes.

The following new run-time configurable parameters were introduced.

Enabling restricted model monitoring

By default, Data Bridge monitors all CRM classes that are associated with supported Data Bridge subject areas and sends notifications whenever it detects changes. You can now limit the number of notifications by monitoring only the CRM classes associated with the Data Bridge views that were created. This can be enabled at run-time in the Data Bridge System Admin Console, which can be accessed from the https://[host]/nexj/SysAdmin.html  URL.

In the Data Bridge System Admin Console, open the Statistics page and navigate to the following path: nexj.bridge/Administration/DataEngine/Model

Set the Generate Restricted Model attribute to Y.

Restricted monitoring is disabled by default.

You can also enable this feature during deployment, by including the following property in the Data Bridge environment file:


Including and excluding classes from being monitored

You can now explicitly specify the list of CRM classes that should always be monitored and the list of CRM classes that should never be monitored for event streaming purposes.

In the Data Bridge System Admin Console, open the Statistics page and navigate to the following path: nexj.bridge/Administration/DataEngine/Model

These two parameters allow administrators to further fine-tune the behavior of the Data Bridge Adapter:

  • Blocked Classes
    Comma-separated list of classes excluded from being monitored by the UOW Listener. This value overrides any other settings, except the Required Classes list.
  • Required Classes
    Comma-separated list of classes always monitored by the UOW Listener. This value overrides any other settings, including the Blocked Classes list.

A value of "none" should be used in case there are no classes to specify.

Disabling streaming

You can now disable all Data Bridge event streaming at run-time, using the NexJ System Admin Console, which is accessed from the https://[host]/nexj/SysAdmin.html URL.

In NexJ System Admin Console, navigate to the following path: 

Set the Data Bridge Streaming Enabled attribute to N.

While streaming is disabled, snapshot exports are still supported.

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