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Requirements and support information

Supported platform information, full-test stack descriptions, as well as hardware and software requirements for the 9.8 release are listed below.

Software and hardware mentioned below may have their own additional requirements.

Server and database requirements

NexJ Customer Relationship Management is designed to work with a variety of operating systems, databases, and servers.

Each release of the product is tested across a number of configurations of specific versions of each platform. Some specific stacks act as the key environments for our core testing, and may change from release to release.

IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server are supported only for existing installations. New installations of NexJ CRM should make use of NexJ Model Server.

Supported platforms

NexJ Model Engine is designed to work with the following operating systems, databases, and servers.

Operating systems

  • Windows Server
  • CentOS
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Microsoft Windows

Application servers

  • NexJ Model Server
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server

Web servers

  • Apache HTTP Server
  • IBM HTTP Server (IHS)
  • Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)

Database servers

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Oracle Database
In addition, MySQL, IBM DB2, and PostgreSQL are supported as data sources for integration purposes. Using MySQL, PostgreSQL, or IBM DB2 as the main system data source for NexJ Customer Relationship Management is currently not supported. Also, the JasperReports Server is not supported on Oracle Database 19c.

Email and calendaring servers

  • Microsoft Exchange Server

Tested systems, servers, and databases

Testing of NexJ Customer Relationship Management makes use of the following versions of operating systems, application servers, web servers, and databases.

Operating systems

  • CentOS 6.7
  • CentOS 7

Application servers

  • NexJ Model Server 9.8
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5 (fix packs 12, and 14-18)

    IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5 fix pack 13 is not supported.

    WebSphere Application Server version 8.5.5 fix pack 18 is not compatible with JasperReports Server. Applicable clients should continue to use WebSphere 8.5.5 fix pack 14.

Web servers

  • Apache HTTP Server 2.4.6
  • IBM HTTP Server 8.5.5


  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019
  • Oracle 11g
  • Oracle 12c
  • Oracle 19c

Microsoft Exchange servers

  • Exchange Server 2013
  • Exchange Server 2016
  • Exchange Online

Core test stacks

The following stacks formed the core test environments for NexJ CRM 9.8.

Each row of the following table represents a single core testing stack used during the development and test cycle of version 9.8. Where applicable, additional version details are provided following the table.

Application serverWeb serverDatabaseJava
NexJ Model ServerApache/2.4.6Oracle 19cJDK 8
NexJ Model ServerApache/2.4.6Oracle 11g R2JDK 8
WebSphere 8.5.5Oracle 11g R2JDK 8
WebSphere 8.5.5MSSQL 2017JDK 8
NexJ Model ServerApache 2.4.6MSSQL 2016JDK 11

Application server details

The following list provides additional information for the application server entries in the table above.

IBM WebSphere Application Server is listed, but and later versions in the 8.5.5.x series are also supported. Version is not supported.

NexJ Model Server
Every release of NexJ CRM includes the version of NexJ Model Server that should be used alongside it.

Web server details

The following list provides additional information for the web servers entries in the table above.

Apache 2.4.6
Apache HTTP Server 2.4.6

Database details

The following list provides additional product names and version information for the database entries in the table above.

Oracle 11g
Oracle Database 11g (

Oracle 12c
Oracle Database 12c (

Oracle 19c
Oracle Database 19c (

MSSQL 2016
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (13.0.4259.0)

MSSQL 2017
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (14.0.3025.34)

MSSQL 2019
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (15.0.2000.5)

Java details

The following list provides the additional product names and version information for the Java entries in the table above.

IBM WebSphere
IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, Version 8

NexJ Model Server
Java SE Development Kit 8 (JDK 8)
Java SE Development Kit 11 (JDK 11)

Required database drivers

NexJ Customer Relationship Management uses various drivers to communicate with its supported databases. To ensure successful communication with your databases, use the driver versions below when you deploy NexJ Customer Relationship Management. 

Database servers for deployment and data integration

Microsoft SQL Server
To run on or integrate with Microsoft SQL Server databases, you should use the jtds-1.2.2-9.jar driver located in the %NEXJ_PLUGIN%\ext folder. For example, if you install NexJ Studio in C:\nexj_studio\13.x, the driver will be in C:\nexj_studio\13.x\plugins\com.nexjsystems.nexjstudio_version\ext.

Oracle database
To run on or integrate with Oracle databases, your database administrator should contact NexJ in order to get information on the specific driver version and patches required for your installation.

Database servers for data integration only

To integrate with MySQL data sources, you should use the mysql-connector-java-version driver provided with your MySQL distribution.

To integrate with PostgreSQL data sources, you should use the postgresql-version.jdbc.jar driver provided with your PostgreSQL distribution.

NexJ client requirements

The following topics provide the hardware and software requirements for accessing NexJ CRM from various client devices.

NexJ CRM end user system requirements (desktop)

To run a NexJ application client such as NexJ CRM, the end user's computer must meet the following requirements.

Minimum required workstation specifications

Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33GHz


Operating System
Windows 10

Resolution Display
1280 x 1024

Additional software requirements

The following additional software is required in order to make use of specific supplementary functions and features:

  • A PDF viewer application, such as Adobe Reader, to view PDF documents and to generate attachment previews.
  • Microsoft Office to view Microsoft supported documents.
  • Microsoft Outlook desktop version to use NexJ Outlook Add-In feature included with NexJ Add-In for Microsoft Office.
  • Microsoft Word desktop version to generate and edit documents for use with the NexJ Mail Merge feature included with NexJ Add-In for Microsoft Office.

Recommended workstation specifications

Intel Core i5 or Intel Core i7

6 GB RAM or higher

Operating system
Windows 10

Resolution display

  • 1920 x 1080 (desktop)
  • 1600 x 900 (laptop)

For optimal NexJ CRM performance and appearance, use the following recommended configuration:

  • Set Windows display resolution to 96 DPI (100%)
  • Set your browser zoom level to 100%

Other display configurations may not be supported.


  • Google Chrome (91.0.4472.77)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11

    Internet Explorer 11 is supported only for existing installations.

To access the classic UI, use Google Chrome or Microsoft Internet Explorer.

NexJ CRM end user system requirements (mobile)

NexJ CRM supports the following mobile configurations.

Tested smartphone specifications

  • Apple iPhones running Apple iOS. The following iOS versions are supported:
    • iOS 12.X
    • iOS 13.X


  • Apple Safari - supported only on iOS devices

NexJ Studio hardware and software requirements

Your system must meet the following requirements to be able to install and use NexJ Studio.

Operating Systems

  • Microsoft Windows 10

The 64-bit version of the Microsoft Windows operating system is recommended.

Minimum hardware requirements

  • 12 GB RAM (16 GB or higher recommended)
  • 2 GB free disk space for each workspace


  • Java SE Development Kit 8 (JDK 8 and JRE 8)
  • Java SE Development Kit 11 (JDK 11 and JRE 11)

You must use either JSE 8 or JSE 11. You cannot use a mix of the two in a single install. If you are upgrading from version 8 to version 11 or later, see Upgrading to NexJ CRM version 9.8 for information regarding mandatory keystore upgrades.

NexJ Data Mapping Tool minimum requirements

Your system must meet the following requirements to use the NexJ Data Mapping Tool.

Minimum Software Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows XP
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Some additional Microsoft software patches may be required depending upon your environment.

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