This section describes known issues that pertain to the application framework.
If you upgraded from a previous release to NexJ CRM 9.2, users may receive a file size limit error when adding notes or uploading documents beyond a certain size.
Increase the Maximum HTTP Request Size environment file property as needed, for example, by 30%, to allow for equivalent uploads in NexJ CRM 9.2.
Cross-domain push connections are not supported in the Mozilla Firefox browser.
When you create or edit an activity, and right-click on the For, Assign To, or Add Attachment fields, the browser native context menu does not display.
Notifications manually triggered through the business model do not always clear and can be fired cumulatively.
If you are using an Apple iPad with Apple iOS 13, and you open the New Contact dialog to add a contact, and in the Date of Birth field, tap the calendar icon

When the BatchViewObjectBatchJob runs and there are no records to process, its process status reports a false status of Failed.
If you are using Studio to build and test reporting functionality and you update the reporting host URL from a localhost address to a fully-qualified HTTP url, then reseeding the environment may not correctly update your databases.
Workaround: Continue to use a localhost address during your development cycle.
When you run the
script to start the push redirector in a Linux environment that is running Java 8 or higher, a warning message is generated that states that an illegal reflective access operation has occurred.
If you create an augment from a given class, and then apply a facet from that class to the augment, the facet may not always be recognized. If this happens you will receive an unrecognized facet error when you try to run the model.
On first server load of a Classic portlet, and if it uses POST data, the context parameters will be lost due to the time zone detection refresh.
Use GET on the first load of Classic portlets where context is required, or put the values into the URL of the POST.
The JVM property "" mest be set to TRUE in order for the inform:ArticleSearch HTTPConnection channel to work in a Websphere-based environment.
More information can be found here:
The FIleCleanupBatchJob runs daily, deleting File Persisted objects. However, in a clustered environment, it only deletes entries on the currently active node.
When the portal container is not HTTPS, the push is set to localhost, and you are running Google Chrome 93 (or a later version), the push connection is blocked, and Chrome will throw a warning message. Chrome 92 and earlier versions do not cause this behavior.
The push connection will still connect without an error for Google Chrome 93 (or a later version) when:
- The portal container is connected to with localhost and the push is set to the machine name.
- The machine name is used for both the portal container and push server.
- The portal container is using HTTPS.
There is currently no way to turn off the OAuthProvider introspection tool.
When creating a UI using AFL, the caption reference on a Label field requires an additional pair of quotation marks to work correctly.
For example:
In a layout view, "IDS_NAME"
is required.
In the source code, caption=""IDS_NAME""
is required.