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Setting up the ad hoc reports export for summaries and visualizations

In order for your users to be able to export ad hoc reports summaries and visualizations, you must configure your environment file.

To set up ad hoc reports export:

  1. Download the PhantomJS executable from:
  2. In your environment file, use the environment variable bireport.phantomjs.path to reference the full path to the PhantomJS executable, including the file name and extension.

    If this environment variable has not been set, the menu options to export summaries (Export Summary) and visualizations (Export Chart) are not visible.

When users are performing exports:

  • A user must run a report before they can export.
  • If a report that has been run before has an export of the type chosen, the previously exported file is sent instead of exporting again.
  • A summary is exported as a Microsoft Excel file in XLSX format.
  • A visualization is exported as an image file in PNG format.
  • Details are exported as a CSV file, but do not require PhantomJS to run.