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Using Data Bridge

Use Data Bridge to extract data from individual subject areas or to consolidate data from multiple associated subject areas, into a single data view in a custom format. For example, you can create an Opportunities view to include details from the Opportunities subject area, such as description, type, and priority, and also related details from other subject areas, such as related activities.

Views are the cornerstone of NexJ Data Bridge. Create views of your NexJ CRM data, composed of attributes from your attribute catalog. You can also create generic views, based on a Kafka topic. You can configure publishing targets, such as delimited files, JSON files, HTTP files, or Apache Kafka topics and define whether updates should be published in a streaming or snapshot manner.

The Data Bridge functionality is supported in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Data views can be created for the following subject areas provided by default:

  • Activities

  • Addresses

  • Attachments

  • Call Records

  • Categories

  • Companies

  • Contacts

  • Custom Fields

  • Deals (product opportunities)

  • Documents

  • Enumerations

  • Households

  • Leads

  • Opportunities

  • Schedule Items

  • Service Requests

  • Tasks

  • Telcoms

  • Type Localizations

  • Users

When you create a view, you can choose to:

  • Publish a snapshot of the data as a delimited file, JSON file, HTTP file or using Kafka. In snapshot mode, all current data matching the criteria specified in the view is exported to the data source.

  • Continuously stream changes from NexJ CRM or a Kafka topic to Kafka or an HTTP file for the view in real time using the streaming mode.

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