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Error handling for snapshots and real-time streaming exports 

To investigate whether your snapshot or real-time export for a view has errors, select the Errors tab for the view on the View Details page, which is shown in the following screenshot.

Errors tab example

Errors tab example

The errors data table contains the following columns:

  • Date - the date when the error occurred

  • Target - the name of the publishing target

  • Target Type - the type of publishing target (File (Delimited), File (JSON), HTTP, or Kafka)

  • Event type - contains Streaming if the error occurred during a real-time export or Snapshot if the error occurred during a snapshot

  • Recovered - indicates the error recovery status for streaming errors only (Yes displays when the failed update was successfully retried)

    Errors for the same set of change parameters (for example, class names, events, dirty attributes, bookmarks, and flags for deletions and context changes) are retried once and are all considered recovered after a successful retry of that change.

    Recovery of snapshot export errors is currently not supported.

  • Error - the error message

  • Event ID - a unique identifier to identify which snapshot or streaming export contains the error

    Click on an Event ID value to filter the list of errors to only those that correspond to the same event.

  • Instance ID - the ID of the CRM instance that was being updated

You can also select from the following filter chips and define search criteria to filter the errors data table:

  • Date - Provide the date when the error occurred.

  • Error Message - Select an operator and provide a value to filter for specific error messages.

  • Event Type - Select Streaming or Snapshot for the publishing event type.

  • Is Recovered - Select Yes or No based on whether the error has been resolved.

  • Target Type - Select the File (JSON), File (Delimited), Kafka, or HTTP publishing target type.

Double-click on errors in the data table to view the error details, which include the following information:

  • Date - the date when the error occurred

  • Event ID

  • Class

  • Error Code - the full error stack trace

The following screenshot shows an example:

Export error example

Export error example

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.