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Using the Global Settings workspace

You can use the Global Settings workspace to:

  • Review CRM connection information, file export information settings, and Kafka server settings that were configured during deployment.

  • Import CRM metadata (for example, new subject areas) and Data Bridge configuration at run time on the Dynamic Metadata Loading card and view the current list of loaded metaclasses on the Loaded Subject Areas card.

  • Export CRM metadata as JSON using the CRM Data Bridge Adapter Admin card.

The following snapshot shows the Global Settings workspace:


Configure settings on the Global Settings workspace in the following tabs and cards:

Connection Details tab:

CRM Connection Information card contains the following fields:

  • Remote CRM User –  Displays the login ID used by Data Bridge to connect with NexJ CRM. This is configured in your Data Bridge environment file during deployment.

  • Remote CRM Sender –  Displays the URL for the brg:CRMSender channel, which is the URL used by Data Bridge to integrate with a NexJ CRM cluster. This channel setting is configured in your Data Bridge environment file during deployment.

  • Remote CRM Connection Status – Displays Active when the integration call with NexJ CRM is connected and Inactive when Data Bridge is unable to connect to NexJ CRM.

  • Kafka Server Details card contains the following fields:

    • Kafka Connection - Displays the address for your Kafka server.

    • Schema Connection - Displays the URL for your Schema connection.

    • Client Id - Displays the client ID that is used to connect to your Kafka server. 

    • Group Id - Displays the group ID that is used to connect to your Kafka server. 

    • Kafka Connection User - Displays the user name for your Kafka server.

    • Kafka Sent Count - Displays the number of messages that have been sent by your Kafka server.

Export Configuration tab:

The File Export Configuration card contains the following fields:

The initial default values for the settings in the File Export Configuration card can be defined in the environment file.

These settings can also be configured in the Statistics tab in the Data Bridge System Admin Console at https://[host]/nexj/SysAdmin.html by selecting nexj.bridge > Administration > DataEngine > Export to expand the notes in the tree, and entering the required settings.


If you change these settings at run time using the File Export Configuration card fields, your settings will override the settings in the environment file and Data Bridge System Admin Console.

  • Export Path - Enter the default path of the output directory for exported files. This setting can be initially configured in your Data Bridge environment file during deployment using the meta.bridge.exportDirectory property. You can also configure it using the CSV Export Directory setting in the Data Bridge System Admin Console.

  • Read Page Size - Enter the maximum number of NexJ CRM records that can be read in a single query from NexJ CRM. This attribute also controls the maximum number of records per file in the chunked mode. This setting can be initially configured in your Data Bridge environment file during deployment using the meta.bridge.pageSize property. You can also configure it using the Read Page Size setting in the Data Bridge System Admin Console.

  • Maximum File Size - Enter the maximum threshold in kilobytes when the export will roll over into additional files. If you enter 0, a single file will be created for each export.

  • The JSON/Avro Format Configuration card contains the following field:

    • Timestamp Attribute Formatting - By default, timestamp attributes are formatting as long integers, and Numeric is selected. To format them as strings, click String.

  • Subject Area Configuration tab:

    • For information about the Dynamic Metadata Loading and Loaded Subject Areas cards, see Loading model changes at run time.

    • If you want to export CRM metadata as JSON, click the "To Export Metadata from CRM" link and log in using your NexJ CRM user name and password. The Classes to export list that displays shows the filter chips that represent the default metaclasses that will be exported by default.

      1. You can choose to:

        • Add new metaclass names to the export list. You can add:

          • A single metaclass to the list by entering the class name in the Add class names to the export list (new line separated) field.

          • Multiple metaclass names to the list by opening a text editor, entering the class names separated by new line "\n" characters, and copying and pasting this information into the Add class names to the export list (new line separated) field.
            Add the class names to the Classes to export list as filter chips, by clicking Add Class Names To Export List.

        • Disable the export of metaclasses in the Classes to export list by clicking the

          icon for filter chips.

        • Re-enable the export of metaclasses that you have disabled, by clicking the Select button

          to open the Classes to export dialog where you can re-select classes for export.

        • Clear the Classes to export list by selecting the Clear button


      2. In the Specify a location on the application server to export metadata field, provide the name of the application server directory that will contain the exported .json files.

      3. To perform the export, click Export CRM Metadata. The Exported classes to JSON on the application server file system dialog displays all the metaclasses that will be exported. To proceed with the export, click Got it. The .json files for the metaclasses are created in the directory you specified in step 2.

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