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Modifying views

You can modify your views by:

  • In the views data table, hovering over the view and clicking the Edit View button


  • After you have saved a view, clicking the Edit button


You can make the following changes to a view:


How to modify

Edit view name

In the view banner, enter the new Name.

Add or edit view description

In the view banner, enter or edit the Description.

Add fields

In the Fields section, click the Select button


You can also use the Add Fields text search field to search for specific fields and add them to your view.

Remove fields

In the Fields section, click the Clear button 

on the field you want to remove.

Reorder view columns

In the Fields section, drag and drop the fields to the desired position.

Apply filters on fields

In the Filters section, click a field, and select the filter values. For some fields, you will need to select an operator and specify the values to work in conjunction with it.

Edit filters

In the Filters section, click a filtered field, and edit the filter selection.

Remove filters

In the Filters section, click the Clear button 

on the field you want to remove the filter from.

Clear all filters

In the Filters section, click the Clear Filters button


After making your changes, click the Save button

. This executes the view so the tabs reflect the latest NexJ CRM data.

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