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New features delivered in 24.07

The following features and enhancements were included as part of 24.07.

Transformation of published data into a defined schema

It is now possible to apply transformation logic to NexJ CRM data as it is exported to Kafka, HTTP or JSON File target types (DATABRIDGE-802).

This powerful new feature makes it even easier to integrate CRM with Enterprise Data Warehouse and other systems that require updates of CRM data in a specific organization-defined format. Target data schemas can be defined in JSON and imported into Data Bridge using the new Schemas workspace.

A data schema is subject-area specific and can be applied to one or more CRM Views based on the same subject area (for example, Companies). Data schemas allow configuring the complete set of attribute names, types, and values that are expected as a part of the output. Attribute values can be described with a formula-based calculation syntax, allowing for data transformation logic. You can also specify default values for each attribute.

Enhancements for ingesting data from a Kafka topic

The previous release of Data Bridge introduced the ability to ingest updates from a Kafka topic (DATABRIDGE-1140). The current release includes the following additions or changes to this functionality:

  • The ability ingest data from a Kafka topic can be enabled and disabled by setting the isDataIngestionActive property in the environment file (DATABRIDGE-1674). To be able to register consumer with Kafka Consumer and process messages from Kafka Consumer, set the value to true.

  • If the isDataIngestionActive property is set to false, the Generic Views tab on the View Explorer workspace and the Data Sources tab on the Integrated Systems workspace are no longer displayed (DATABRIDGE-1673).

  • Two new columns are now displayed on the Data Sources tab (DATABRIDGE-1593):

    • Connection Status displays either Inactive (in red) or Active (in green)

    • Server Address displays the Kafka Broker URL:PORT

Framework enhancements

The following enhancements were included in the supported framework plugin:

  • OpenJDK 11 version has been updated to 11.0.22+7 (released January 18, 2024) (CRM-1610)

  • Apache Tomcat server version has been updated to 9.0.83 (released November 15, 2023) (CRM-829)

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