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Performing real-time streaming exports

You can perform streaming near real-time exports that send the latest full copies of CRM data objects matching the view criteria to the Kafka or HTTP endpoint as the data is being generated in NexJ CRM.

To perform real-time streaming exports for a view, add a publishing target to the view in the Publishing Options tab that is streaming enabled. For more information, see Creating views. When CRM data that matches the view criteria is added, changed, or deleted, Data Bridge will send a message to the specified Kafka topic or HTTP endpoint. Each message sent to Kafka includes a timestamp indicating the time when the information was retrieved from CRM. The timestamp should be used by applications consuming CRM updates as a means to determine the latest version of the data.

If you create a view for a subject area that is a parent class (for example, you create a view for the Activities subject area, which is the parent class for the Documents, Tasks, Activity Plans, Call Records, and Schedule Items subclasses), changes made to the subclass objects (for example, Schedule Item objects) in NexJ CRM are captured by the parent class-based view and are included in real-time streaming updates.

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