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Viewing NexJ Schedule Synchronization details and using snapshots to manually synchronize data

You can use the NexJ Nylas Admin Console to review and update the following information about the connection between Nylas and NexJ CRM:

  • Nylas servers used as synchronization targets that  NexJ CRM will synchronize with.

  • Links to folders on the Nylas server.

Before working with NexJ Nylas Admin Console, ensure that you have refreshed the page.

Viewing synchronization target Nylas servers

In NexJ Nylas Admin Console, all Nylas servers are displayed in the Targets list. Each server's details appear in the Nylas Server section to the right of the Targets list. To change any information, click the Edit button image-20240709-201044.png  on the top right of the Nylas Server section of the page and complete the dialog that appears.

If you can see the NexJ Nylas Admin Console page but not the server information, ensure that the nylas:NylasManage privilege has been assigned to you by a system administrator using NexJ Admin Console.

The following information is displayed for each server:

Field name



Specifies the name of the target Nylas server.


Specifies the fully qualified domain name of the Nylas server.


Enables or disables inbound synchronization.


Enables or disables outbound synchronization.

Channels > Sender

Specifies the channel used for sending notifications.

Channels > Notification

Specifies the channel used for receiving notifications.

Viewing links to folders on the Nylas servers

You can view the links between NexJ CRM and the folders which store each user's schedule information on the Nylas server.

Every folder in the Nylas server stores a particular type of item for a single user, such as all of the user's schedule items.  These folders can be individually linked to  NexJ CRM, with synchronization configured separately for each one.

If a user disconnects from Nylas using the User Preferences dialog in NexJ CRM, all the links are removed.

In NexJ Nylas Admin Console, all Nylas servers are displayed in the Targets list. The links to the server are displayed below. Each link's details appear in the Nylas Folder section to the right of the links list. To change whether inbound and outbound synchronization are enabled or disabled, click the Edit button image-20240709-201100.png on the top of the links list and complete the dialog that appears.

The following information is displayed for each link:

Field name



The name and folder type of the user for whom synchronization is enabled (read only).

Folder owner

The name of the owner of the Nylas server folder (read only).


Whether inbound synchronization is enabled.


Whether outbound synchronization is enabled.

For troubleshooting purposes, it is possible to remove a link by clicking the delete button. However, it is preferred that the NexJ CRM user removes the link by using the Disconnect button in the User Preferences dialog in NexJ CRM. If the link is removed using the Nylas Admin Console, the CRM user will need to reauthenticate.

Manually synchronizing with a Nylas server using snapshots

As an administrator, you can force synchronization using the Get snapshot and Send snapshot buttons in NexJ Nylas Admin Console. You can execute a snapshot at the Nylas system level or at the user folder level. Sending a full snapshot synchronizes all data from NexJ CRM to the external system, overriding any data changes made in the external system, including deleted data. Similarly, getting a full snapshot synchronizes all data from the external system to NexJ CRM, potentially overriding data changes made in NexJ CRM, including deleted data.

To perform inbound or outbound synchronization for a server:

  1. In NexJ Nylas Admin Console, select a server in the Targets list at the top of the page.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click the Get snapshot from the external system button to perform an outbound synchronization with the selected server.

    • Click the Send snapshot to the external system (All links) button to perform an inbound synchronization with the selected server.

To perform inbound or outbound synchronization for a folder:

  1. In NexJ Nylas Admin Console, select a server in the Targets list at the top of the page.

  2. In the links area at the bottom of the page, select a link, and do one of the following:

    • Click the Get snapshot from the external system button to perform an inbound synchronization with the selected folder.

    • Click the Send snapshot to the external system (Selected link only) button to perform an outbound synchronization with the selected folder.

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