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NexJ Schedule Synchronization Release Notes

The new NexJ Schedule Synchronization module allows users to ensure that their Outlook on Microsoft 365 calendar matches their NexJ CRM calendar.  With the module, users can be confident that they won't miss a meeting regardless of which calendar they use. 

This module uses a third-party service (Nylas Calendar API) to monitor changes and update calendars. When a meeting is created, updated, or deleted in Outlook, the same change will happen in NexJ CRM. Similarly, when a meeting is created, updated or deleted in NexJ CRM, the change will be reflected in Outlook.

When this module is enabled, users can connect their NexJ CRM account to their Outlook account, by navigating to the User settings menu, selecting User Preferences, and then completing the dialog in the Schedule Synchronization tab.

This optional module must be installed and enabled separately from NexJ CRM.

Release contents

The release notes pertain to the following code release:

Module JAR: nexj-meta-nylas-

Product requirements and compatibility

This version of NexJ Schedule Synchronization is compatible with NexJ CRM version 23.05 and later and with Outlook on the Microsoft 365 platform.

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