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Rearranging the order of activity plan template steps

If you create the steps for your activity plan template in a different order than you want them to be carried out, you can rearrange them.

To change the order of an activity plan's steps:

  1. Navigate to the Customize workspace.
  2. Click the Activity Plans tab.
  3. In the templates list, click the template that contains the steps you want to rearrange.
  4. Click the Steps subtab. The steps are arranged in the order that they will appear in NexJ CRM when the activity plan is used.
  5. Click the Edit button . The Edit Activity Plan Steps dialog opens.
  6. Select the step that you would like to change the order of and click the Up  or Down  buttons to move the step's order in the list.
  7. Click OK. The Edit Activity Plan Steps dialog closes.

The order of the activity plan's steps are rearranged.