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Adding availability templates

Add availability templates and specify the template name and description, which display when the template is used to populate an event leg. You can also specify region settings, which you can use to sort and filter templates.

To add an availability template:

  1. Navigate to the Customize workspace and select the Event Management tab.
  2. In the availability templates list on the left side of the workspace, click Add.
    The Add Availability Template dialog opens.
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the template.

    Ensure that you create a meaningful name for the template. The template name displays to users in the Apply Availability Template list in event and event leg calendars.

  4. In the Locations field, enter a location.
  5. In the Region list, select a region.

    After creating the template, you can sort and filter the availability templates list by region.

  6. In the Notes field, enter a description of the template for availability template users.

    The description displays for template users when they open the Apply Availability Template dialog from an event leg.

  7. In the Security tab, specify view and edit security for the template. Specify whether all users or only selected users can view and edit the template.

    You should set the view security to Private until you have created meetings for the template.

  8. Click OK.
    The Add Availability Template dialog closes.

The template displays in the list of availability templates.

You can now continue by adding meetings to the template.