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Adding stages

Add stages to an opportunity template to create the states that the opportunity moves through as it is pursued.

When you add a stage you specify its type, the probability that the opportunity will be won at this stage, and whether or not there are related activities.

To add a stage to an opportunity template:

  1. Navigate to the Customize workspace.
  2. In the Opportunity Management tab, click the Templates subtab.
  3. In the templates list, select the opportunity template in which you want to add a stage.
  4. In the detail area, click the Stages tab, then click the Select button . The Edit Opportunity Template Stages dialog opens.
  5. In the Stage field, select a type for the stage. The type indicates what is being done with the opportunity at this stage in the process.

    You can include each stage type only once in an opportunity template.

    You might want to create a stage that does not currently appear in the list of stage types. To do this, you must add values to the SOPPTSTAGE enumeration in NexJ Admin Console.

  6. In the Probability field, enter a number between 0 and 100 that represents the percent chance that the opportunity will be won at this stage. For example, in an opportunity's first stage, the probability that the opportunity will be won might be 10%, so you enter 10 in the field. By the last stage, the probability might have increased to 95%, so you enter 95 for the stage.

    Users can override a stage's probability when they add an opportunity. This is useful when there are unique circumstances surrounding an opportunity. For example, if there is only one competitor for an opportunity, the chance that you will win the opportunity might be higher.

  7. [Optional] If you want to include related activities in this stage, select the Has Stage Steps checkbox.
  8. Click OK to save the stage. The Edit Opportunity Template Stages dialog closes.

The stage is added to the opportunity template.

If you selected the Has Stage Steps checkbox, you can now specify related activities for the stage in the Stage Steps area.

Customizing enumerations
Adding tasks to stage steps
Adding documents to stage steps
Adding attachments to stage steps