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Object type fields

Use object type fields in field control expressions to pull information from an associated object.

When you add field controls to a question in a form, you might want to refer to data about the object type that you are running the business process or call script on. For example, if you want to show a question only if a contact is married, you can create a field control expression that checks the Marital Status field of the contact.

One way to do this is to create a question in the form, bind it to the desired field from the object type, then use a form field to refer to the question. If you want to refer to object type information without creating and binding additional form questions, you can instead use object type fields.

When you use an object type field in an expression, it is important to note the listed date type of the field. If the object type field is being used to set the value of an answer in the form, the data type of the field must match the expected data type of the answer. If the object type field is being used as an argument in a function or expression, the data type of the field must match the expected data type of the argument. When you use an object type field in an expression, it is important to note the listed date type of the field. If the object type field is being used to set the value of an answer in the form, the data type of the field must match the expected data type of the answer. If the object type field is being used as an argument in a function or expression, the data type of the field must match the expected data type of the argument.

Contact fields

Contact fields take their values from the contact or user object type on which you are running the business process or call script. The following contact fields are available for you to use in field control formulas:
Note: If you run the business process or call script on a KYC object type and would like to access a contact field from the contact or user, use the syntax @client.<field_name>.

Contact fields for use in field control expressions

Field NameData TypeField Caption
@birthTimeDateDate of Birth
@businessAddressAddress1StringBusiness Address Address 1
@businessAddressAddress2StringBusiness Address Address 2
@businessAddressAttentionStringBusiness Address Attention
@businessAddressCityStringBusiness Address City
@businessAddressCountryValueEnumerationBusiness Address Country
@businessAddressDeliveryInstructionsStringBusiness Address Delivery Instructions
@businessAddressDescriptionStringBusiness Address Description
@businessAddressStateStringBusiness Address State
@businessAddressZipStringBusiness Address Zip
@businessAddressZipPlusFourStringBusiness Address Zip +4
@emailAddressStringEmail Address
@emailDescriptionStringEmail Description
@firstNameStringFirst Name
@goesByStringGoes by
@homeAddressAddress1StringHome Address Address 1
@homeAddressAddress2StringHome Address Address 2
@homeAddressAttentionStringHome Address Attention
@homeAddressCityStringHome Address City
@homeAddressCountryValueEnumerationHome Address Country
@homeAddressDeliveryInstructionsStringHome Address Delivery Instructions
@homeAddressDescriptionStringHome Address Description
@homeAddressStateStringHome Address State
@homeAddressZipStringHome Address Zip
@homeAddressZipPlusFourStringHome Address Zip +4
@homePhoneDescriptionStringHome Phone Description
@homePhoneExtensionStringHome Phone Extension
@homePhoneNumberStringHome Phone Number
@lastNameStringLast Name
@workPhoneDescriptionStringBusiness Phone Description
@workPhoneExtensionStringBusiness Phone Extension
@workPhoneNumberStringBusiness Phone Number

Category fields

Categories are extra information or classifications that can be given to a contact. Category fields take their values from the contact or user object type on which you are running the business process or call script. The following default category fields are available for you to use in expressions:

Categories are defined in Categories in the Customize workspace. You can also use additional categories that have been defined in the Categories tab. Access additional categories using the token @_cat_., followed by the name of the category, written in upper case letters and with all spaces replaced with underscores.

If you run the business process or call script on a KYC object type and would like to access a category field from the contact or user, use the syntax @client.<field_name>.

Category fields for use in field control expressions

Field NameData TypeField Caption
@_cat_.AVID_GOLFERBooleanAvid Golfer
@_cat_.BASEBALL_FANBooleanBaseball Fan
@_cat_.BASKETBALL_FANBooleanBasketball Fan
@_cat_.BUSINESS_AT_RISKBooleanBusiness at Risk
@_cat_.CHANGING_MARITAL_STATUSBooleanChanging Marital Status
@_cat_.COMMERCIAL_AUTOBooleanCommercial Auto
@_cat_.COMMERCIAL_GENERAL_LIABILITYBooleanCommercial General Liability
@_cat_.COMMERCIAL_PROPERTYBooleanCommercial Property
@_cat_.COMPANY_CATEGORY__CORPORATIONBooleanCompany Category - Corporation
@_cat_.COMPANY_CATEGORY__GOVERNMENTBooleanCompany Category - Government
@_cat_.COMPANY_CATEGORY__TAX_EXEMPTBooleanCompany Category - Tax Exempt
@_cat_.CONSUMER_GOODSBooleanConsumer Goods
@_cat_.DEFINED_BENEFITSBooleanDefined Benefits
@_cat_.DEFINED_CONTRIBUTIONBooleanDefined Contribution
@_cat_.DO_NOT_MAILBooleanDo Not Mail
@_cat_.ESTATE_PLANNINGBooleanEstate Planning
@_cat_.FINANCIAL_PLANNINGBooleanFinancial Planning
@_cat_.FINANCIAL_SERVICESBooleanFinancial Services
@_cat_.FIXED_INCOMEBooleanFixed Income
@_cat_.GETTING_MARRIEDBooleanGetting Married
@_cat_.GLOBAL_EQUITIESBooleanGlobal Equities
@_cat_.GROWTH_STOCKSBooleanGrowth Stocks
@_cat_.HAS_CHILDRENBooleanHas Children
@_cat_.HIGH_NET_WORTHBooleanHigh Net Worth
@_cat_.HIGH_PREMIUMBooleanHigh Premium
@_cat_.HOCKEY_FANBooleanHockey Fan
@_cat_.HOLIDAY_CARDBooleanHoliday Card
@_cat_.INSTITUTIONAL_INVESTORBooleanInstitutional Investor
@_cat_.INSURANCEBooleanLife Insurance
@_cat_.INVESTING_IN_GOLD_SYMPOSIUM_INVITEBooleanInvesting in Gold Symposium Invite
@_cat_.JOB_CHANGE_PROMOTIONBooleanJob Change/Promotion
@_cat_.MULTI_PRODUCT_CLIENTBooleanMulti Product Client
@_cat_.OIL_AND_GASBooleanOil & Gas
@_cat_.PRECIOUS_METALSBooleanPrecious Metals
@_cat_.RETIREMENT_PLANNINGBooleanRetirement Planning
@_cat_.SENDING_TEEN_TO_COLLEGEBooleanSending Teen to College
@_cat_.SPECIALTIES__CORPORATEBooleanSpecialties - Corporate
@_cat_.SPECIALTIES__ENDOWMENTSBooleanSpecialties - Endowments
@_cat_.SPECIALTIES__FOUNDATIONSBooleanSpecialties - Foundations
@_cat_.SPECIALTIES__GOVERNMENTBooleanSpecialties - Government
@_cat_.SPECIALTIES__PRIVATE_CLIENTBooleanSpecialties - Private Client
@_cat_.STARTING_BUSINESSBooleanStarting Business
@_cat_.STARTING_FAMILYBooleanStarting Family
@_cat_.TERM_LIFEBooleanTerm Life
@_cat_.UNIVERSAL_LIFEBooleanUniversal Life
@_cat_.VARIABLE_UNIVERSAL_LIFEBooleanVariable Universal Life
@_cat_.VIP_CLIENTBooleanVIP Client
@_cat_.WHOLE_LIFEBooleanWhole Life

Custom fields

Custom fields store supplementary information that is not otherwise represented in the contact. Custom fields take their values from the contact or user object type on which you are running the business process or call script. The following default custom fields are available for you to use in expressions:

Custom fields are defined in Custom Fields in the Customize workspace. You can also use additional custom fields that have been defined in the Custom Fields tab. Access additional custom fields using the token @_cf_., followed by the name of the custom field, written in upper case letters and with all spaces replaced with underscores.

If you run the business process or call script on a KYC object type and would like to access a custom field from the contact or user, use the syntax @client.<field_name>.

Custom fields for use in field control expressions

Field NameData TypeField Caption
@_cf_.AGENCY_PARTNERSHIPObjectAgency Partnership
@_cf_.ANNUAL_INCOMENumberAnnual Income
@_cf_.ANNUAL_REVENUENumberAnnual Revenue
@_cf_.BEST_TIME_TO_CALLStringBest Time to Call
@_cf_.BOARD_MEMBER1ObjectBoard Member
@_cf_.CAPTIVE_CHANNELObjectCaptive Channel
@_cf_.CLIENT_TYPEStringClient Type
@_cf_.COUNTRY_OF_INCORPORATIONStringCountry of Incorporation
@_cf_.CREDIT_RATINGStringCredit Rating
@_cf_.DATE_OF_MARRIAGEDateWedding Date
@_cf_.EXPIRY_DATEDateExpiry Date
@_cf_.FAVOURITE_SPORTS_TEAMStringFavourite Sports Team
@_cf_.FINANCIAL_INTERESTStringFinancial Interest
@_cf_.INDEPENDENT_CHANNELObjectIndependent Channel
@_cf_.LEGAL_STATUSStringLegal Status
@_cf_.MARITAL_STATUSStringMarital Status
@_cf_.NET_WORTHNumberNet Worth
@_cf_.NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEESNumberNumber of Employees
@_cf_.PERSONAL_INTERESTStringPersonal Interest
@_cf_.PLANNED_RETIREMENT_YEARStringPlanned Retirement Year
@_cf_.POWER_OF_ATTORNEYObjectPower of Attorney
@_cf_.RELATED_HOUSEHOLDObjectRelated Household
@_cf_.TOTAL_ASSETSNumberTotal Assets
@_cf_.YEAR_OF_ESTABLISHMENTDateYear of Establishment
@_cf_.YEARS_INSUREDStringYears Insured

KYC fields

KYC fields take their values from the KYC object type on which you are running the business process or call script. The following KYC fields are available for you to use in expressions:

If you run the business process or call script on a KYC object type and would like to access information from the contact or user, use the alternate notation @client.<field_name>.

KYC fields for use in field control expressions

Field NameData TypeField Caption
@annualIncomeEnumerationAnnual Income
@createDateDateEffective Date
@expAltInvestmentsBooleanAlternate Investments Experience
@expBondsBooleanBonds Experience
@expCommoditiesBooleanCommodities Experience
@expInterestRatesBooleanInterest Rates Experience
@expLstDerivativesBooleanListed Derivatives Experience
@expMarginLendingBooleanMargin Lending Experience
@expMarginTradingBooleanMargin Trading Experience
@expMoneyMarketGICBooleanMoney Market or GIC Experience
@expNewSharesBooleanNew Shares Experience
@expOptionsBooleanOptions Experience
@expPreciousMetalsBooleanPrecious Metals Experience
@expPrefSharesBooleanPreferred Shares Experience
@expRealEstateBooleanReal Estate Experience
@expShortSellingBooleanShort Selling Experience
@govOwnedBusinessEnumerationDoes the client have a substantial beneficial ownership...
@idCountryEnumerationCountry of ID
@idTypeEnumerationType of ID used for verification
@idVerifiedEnumerationHas the client's ID been verified?
@investmentKnowledgeEnumerationInvestment Knowledge
@maritalStatusEnumerationMarital Status
@netFixedAssetsNumberNet Fixed Assets
@netLiquidAssetsNumberNet Liquid Assets
@netWorthNumberNet Worth
@nonProfitOrgEnumerationIs the client a part of or member of a non-profitable organization?
@numDependentsIntegerNumber of Dependents
@numYearsInvestingIntegerNumber of Years Investing
@portfolioRiskEnumerationPortfolio Risk Level
@primaryBankStringPrimary Bank Name
@primaryBankAddrStringPrimary Bank Address
@resOtherCountriesEnumerationDoes the client maintain residences in any other countries?