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Generating ad hoc reports

Generate ad hoc reports on demand in NexJ CRM. Ad hoc reports are runtime-configurable reports in which you determine the content of reports by selecting, filtering, and sorting information from the system.

Create, manage, and run ad hoc reports on the Ad Hoc Reports workspace.

There are three roles involved in creating, managing, and running ad hoc reports:

Report administrator
Creates data sources and domains to define the information that is available for ad hoc reports.

Report manager
Creates ad hoc views and creates and schedules ad hoc reports. Ad hoc reports are generated from ad hoc views and published to users.

Report user
Runs ad hoc reports.

Before users can run reports, the administrator and managers must make reporting data available. To set up the components needed to run reports:

  1. The administrator creates a data source to connect to the database from which to retrieve reporting information.
  2. The administrator creates domains to filter information from the data source into focused topics. For example, the administrator can create a domain to include all data related to opportunities.
  3. Managers create ad hoc views to filter and lay out information from the domain in chart or table format.
  4. Managers create ad hoc reports from ad hoc views, then save and publish the reports for users to run.

NexJ CRM is preconfigured with a data source and domains for reporting on common entity types from NexJ CRM. For most reporting requirements, administrators and managers do not have to create additional data sources and domains.

NexJ CRM uses JasperReports Server to provide an ad hoc reporting system. For more information about using JasperReports Server, see the Jaspersoft community documentation at