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Import process customization and tuning

You can control some of the contact import behavior by changing attributes of the ImportProcessTemplate class and the PersonObject message in the application model.

If you make changes to any of these attributes, you must redeploy the model for the changes to take effect.

The default values of each attribute are set by the initializer property of the attribute. The provided values have been tested and are recommended. If you require changes to the values, contact your NexJ representative to discuss your requirements.

Maximum number of acts that can be imported for a given contact

The entityParticipations message is a child of the PersonObject message. Its Max Count (maxCount) property controls how many acts (such as tasks and schedule items) can be imported for each contact you are merging.

If the number of acts related to a contact exceeds this number, then you will receive an error when you attempt to merge or create the contact into the system.

If you increase the number of allowable acts by changing the default, you should also lower the value of the pageSize attribute in the BatchApplyImportEntityActionCommand class. Lowering the pageSize attribute results in fewer contacts being processed in each transaction, and therefore increasing the memory available to process related acts.

Message attribute location value information for determining the maximum number of acts per contact

Primary message

Child message

Max Count (maxCount)

Default value

Class attribute location and value information for changing the import page size



Default value

Maximum number of source records to process

The maxSourceCount attribute specifies the maximum number of source records that you can accept from a single import package. If you attempt to import a package that contains more than this number of records, the import will fail.

Class attribute location and value information for determining the maximum number of source records



Default value

Maximum number of allowed target records

The maxMatchTargetCount attribute specifies the maximum number of contacts that can be associated with a user before the matching process begins. The number of contacts associated with a user is the number of contacts that appear in the My Contact tab of the user's Home workspace. If the number of contacts that the user has is greater than the maxMatchTargetCount, you will receive an error when you try to run the matching process.

Class attribute location and value information for determining the maximum number of target records



Default value