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Editing questions

Edit a question in a form when you want to make changes to its details or change the order of questions in the form.

You can move questions only within a section in a page. You cannot move a question from one section to another, or from one page to another.

Ensure that you have deactivated the template. You cannot modify active templates. Also ensure that you have added at least two questions to the page.

To edit a question:

  1. Navigate to the  Customize  workspace.
  2. In the Business Processes ,  Call Management , or  Lead Management  tab, navigate to the  Pages  tab, click the  Edit  button for the page in which you want to edit a question. The  Edit Page  dialog opens.
  3. In the  Sections  area, select the section in which you want to edit a question. A list of all questions in the section displays in the  Questions  area.
  4. Click the  Action  button for the question that you want to edit, then select  Edit . The Edit Question  dialog opens.
  5. In the  Question  and  Field Control  tabs, make changes.
  6. If you want to change the order of questions, select a question and click the Up or  Down buttons to move the question up or down in the list. The order of questions in the list defines the order in which they display in the page when a user views the form.
  7. When you are finished editing, click  OK  to save your changes to the question. The  Edit Question  dialog closes.
  8. Click  OK  to save your changes to the page. The  Edit Page  dialog closes.

The question is edited.