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Additional upgrade considerations

Consider the following potential issues if your situation matches the described conditions.

Synchronizing BI data

To ensure that ad hoc reporting is accurate after the upgrade, manually synchronize NexJ CRM with the BI data sources.

In NexJ Admin Console, on the Synchronization screen, send a snapshot of all the links for the BI target by clicking the Send snapshot to the external system (All links) button , located on top of the Targets area.


A full snapshot synchronization might be resource-intensive and take a long time to complete.

Consider scheduling it during a planned downtime. Alternatively, you can send snapshots for specific links if you know which tables have new or changed columns. To send a snapshot of just one of the links, select the link in the Links area below the Targets area, and click the Send snapshot to the external system (Selected link only) button , located on top of the Links area. Repeat for other links if required.

Upgrading notifications using a Scheme script

This topic applies only if you are upgrading from an earlier version of NexJ CRM version 8.X.


This is a developer task and must be performed in NexJ Studio by a person with access to the model.

If you are using a Scheme script to recreate notifications, ensure that the script does not change the OIDs of existing notifications. Otherwise, notification functionality related to OIDs, such as time-based notifications and notification subscriptions, may not function as expected. Consider rewriting the script to update rather than recreate existing notifications.

JMX statistics name changes

NexJ CRM has changed the names of some of the JMX statistics attributes. Some of these changes are letter case changes. You should validate that your JMX statistics monitoring tool still uses the correct JMX statistics path and attribute combinations.

For example, the following changes were made by NexJ CRM in the 8.4 release:

JMX statistics before and after upgrade to 8.4 release

Values before upgrade to 8.4Values after upgrade to 8.4
DataSource → RelationalDatabase →
ObjectQueueDatabase → [default] → Connection
Availability (%)
DataSource → RelationalDatabase →
ObjectQueueDatabase → [default] → Connection
availability (%)/mean
SessionManager → Session Activation Rate (#/s)SessionManager → Session activation rate (Hz)
SessionManager → Session Passivation Rate (#/s)SessionManager → Session passivation rate (Hz)
SessionManager → Session CountSessionManager → Session count
Channel → HTTP → ExchangeEWSNotificationReceiver
→ Receiver → Total Message Count
Channel → HTTP → ExchangeEWSNotificationReceiver
→ Receiver → Total message count
SessionManager → Load Balancing Redirection Rate
SessionManager → Load balancing redirection rate
DataSource → RelationalDatabase →
ObjectQueueDatabase → [default] → Average
Connection Active Time (ms)
DataSource → RelationalDatabase →
ObjectQueueDatabase → [default] → Connection active
time (ms)/mean

Enabling rich text support

If you are upgrading from an installation of NexJ CRM that does not support rich text for document notes in Document Manager and you want to enable this feature, you must run the BatchUpdatePlainConvertToHTMLCommand - updateTextFields batch file in NexJ Admin Console.

The BatchUpdatePlainConvertToHTMLCommand - updateTextFields batch file converts the applicable plain text data to rich text and moves it to its own database table. When you run this batch file, the state of the Doc Mgr Rich Text feature in the Global Application Settings page in NexJ Admin Console changes to Enabled. Running this batch file is the only way to enable this application feature. Once enabled, this feature cannot be disabled. For more information about global application settings, see Enabling application features.


This procedure needs to be performed only once when you upgrade from a version of NexJ CRM that does not support the Doc Mgr Rich Text feature.

To enable the rich text feature:

  1. Log into NexJ Admin Console.
  2. In the toolbar, click the Batch Broker button to open the Execute Batch Broker Process dialog.
  3. Select BatchUpdatePlainConvertToHTMLCommand - updateTextFields.
  4. To run the batch process, click OK.

You have now enabled rich text support in NexJ CRM.

Upgrading Client Insights

As of the release, NexJ has provided a new relational data source for Client Insights named insights:Insights, which you must include in the environment file if you want to the use the Client Insights feature.

To configure a relational database connection for insights:Insights, follow the instructions provided at: Configuring a relational database connection.

Upgrading data sources for version 8.9