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Configuring entity badges

An entity badge is an icon that visually indicates information about a contact in the contact's profile banner. For example, the Has Opportunity badge indicates that the contact has an associated opportunity, and the VIP badge indicates that the contact is an important client.

Create and manage entity badges in the Badges tab on the Entity Codes page.

Adding entity badges

Add entity badges to create a visual representation of details and properties for contacts. Entity badges display in the contact banner of a contact's profile in the Contacts workspace.

To specify conditions for entity badges, knowledge of the Scheme programming language and the EntityBadge class is required.

To add an entity badge:

  1. Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
  2. In the Badges tab, click the Add button The Add Badge Configuration dialog opens.
  3. In the Description field, enter a description of the badge.  The description displays only in NexJ Admin Console.
  4. In the Tooltip Text field, enter a descriptive name for the badge. The name displays in a tooltip when a user hovers their cursor over the badge in NexJ CRM.
  5. In the Icon field, specify an icon to display for the badge in NexJ CRM. To choose an icon:
    1. In the Icon field, click the Select button The Select Icon dialog opens.
    2. Select an icon to use for the badge, then click OKThe Select Icon dialog closes.
  6. In the Expression field, write an expression in Scheme code for the conditions that an entity must satisfy for the badge to display on the entity's profile. 
    The expression is relative to the EntityBadge class. For example, use the expression (= (@ entity tier caption) "A") to display the badge on tier A contacts.
  7. Select Active to activate the badge in NexJ CRM.
  8. In the Reference Name field, enter a reference name for the badge.
  9. Click OKThe Add Badge Configuration dialog closes.

The new entity badge is created. If Active is selected, the badge now displays on contact profiles.

Rearranging entity badges

Rearrange entity badges to change the order in which they display in the list in the Dashboard Badges zone.

To rearrange entity badges:

  1. Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
  2. In the Badges tab, select the badge to rearrange, then click the Up  or Down  buttons to move the badge up or down in the list.

The badges are rearranged.

Editing entity badges

Edit entity badges to change badge properties such as the icon, tooltip text, and expression.

To specify conditions for entity badges, knowledge of the Scheme programming language and the EntityBadge class is required.

To edit an entity badge:

  1. Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
  2. In the Badges tab, select the badge to edit.
  3. In the Detail zone, click the Edit button The Edit Badge Configuration dialog opens.
  4. Make your changes to the badge.

    A red asterisk indicates required fields.

  5. Click OKThe Edit Badge Configuration dialog closes.

The entity badge is edited. If Active is selected, the modified badge now displays on entity profiles.

Deleting entity badges

Delete entity badges when you no longer need them.

To delete an entity badge:

  1. Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
  2. In the Badges tab, click the Action button  for the badge you want to delete, and click the Delete button .

The entity badge is deleted and no longer displays on applicable contact profiles.