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Approving or rejecting business processes

If a submitted business process requires your approval, you can review the information in the submitted form and then approve or reject it. An approval task is a step in a business process. All of the applicable steps must be approved before the entire business process is marked as approved. If a step is rejected, the entire business process is marked as rejected.

To approve or reject a business process:

  1. Navigate to the Home workspace.
  2. Click the My Tasks tab.
    A list of all tasks that are assigned to you is displayed.
  3. Click the Action button  for your desired approval task, then select Dock to Review.
    The business process opens in a new workspace.
  4. In the Form tab, review the answers that were entered in the form.
  5. [Optional] If you have the appropriate privileges, you can make changes by revising answers in their corresponding fields.
  6. In the Steps tab, review the approval steps in the business process.
  7. When you have finished reviewing the business process, do one of the following:
    • To approve the business process:
      1. Click Approve.
        The business process is approved. It is marked as completed and becomes read-only. Applicable answers in the form will be used to update the record for the contact, company, opportunity, or service request as specified.
    • To reject the business process:
      1. In the notes field, enter the reason why the update is being rejected.
      2. Click Reject.
        The business process is rejected. You can modify the answers in the form and resubmit it after the reason for the rejection has been corrected.

You have now approved or rejected the business process form. Any corresponding approval or rejection actions will be triggered when all of the business process steps have been completed by the assigned users.

Restarting business processes