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Submitting business processes

Submit a business process when you have filled out its form and you want to submit it for approval.

To submit a business process:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace to submit a business process for a contact or company. Navigate to the Opportunities workspace to submit a business process for an opportunity. Navigate to the Service Requests workspace to submit a business process for a service request.
  2. Select the contact, company, opportunity, or service request for whom you want to submit a business process.
    The record for the selected contact, company, opportunity, or service request is displayed.
  3. Click the Business Processes tab.
    A list of all business processes for the contact, company, opportunity, or service request is displayed.
  4. [Optional] Alternatively, dock a business process to display the pages and questions from the form in a separate workspace. To dock a business process, click the Action button  beside the business process, then select Dock.
    A new business process workspace opens.
  5. Review the form. The pages for the form display in the Pages list.
    • Select Show only pages with missing or invalid answers to show a list of pages with required unanswered questions. Click on each page name and provide your answers. Fields that must be completed are highlighted in red.


      A message will indicate if there are no missing or invalid answers.

  6. When you have finished filling in the form and want to submit it, go to the last page of the business process form and click Submit. The Submit button will send the form for approval if the business administrator has enabled approvals. If required questions are still unanswered, you will receive an error message to go back and complete the mandatory questions.


    You must provide all required answers and correct any validation errors before the form can be submitted.

    In the Submit Confirmation dialog, click OK to confirm.

The business process is submitted. The approval steps from the business process will now be assigned to their corresponding users, who can then review the submitted form and either approve or reject it. Changes can no longer be made to the form unless it is rejected by one of the reviewers, then restarted.

Filling out business process forms
Approving or rejecting business processes