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Calling contacts

This topic applies only when Capital Markets functionality is enabled.

Use call lists to manage calls to multiple contacts. For example, create a daily call list to update clients on information from research briefings at morning meetings.

You select and add contacts to a call list from the Contacts workspace. Then, on the Call Lists workspace, you call contacts from the call list and create call logs to record details about the calls. You can also manage call lists and view information about contacts on the Call Lists workspace.

Adding contacts to call lists

This topic applies only when Capital Markets functionality is enabled.

Add one or more contacts to a new or existing call list from the Contacts workspace.


You can also create a new call list from the Call Lists workspace. You can add contacts to a call list only from the Contacts workspace.

To add contacts to a call list:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. In the contacts list, select the contacts to add to the call list.
  3. Click Actions and select Add to > Call List .
    The Add Contact(s) to Call List dialog opens.
  4. If you want to add the selected contacts to an existing call list:
    1. Select Existing Call List . In the Existing Call List field, select a call list from the drop down.
    2. In the Specify the Next Call Date for the Contact(s) field, define the date on which to call contacts.


      The call date displays for calls in call lists on the Call Lists workspace.

    3. Click Add .
      A confirmation dialog opens.
    4. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes .
      The confirmation dialog and the Add Contact(s) to Call List dialog closes.
  5. If you want to add the selected contacts to a new call list:
    1. Select New Call List . In the New Call List field, enter a name for the call list.
    2. In Specify the Next Call Date for the Contact(s) , specify the date on which to call contacts.


      The call date displays for calls in a call list on the Call Lists workspace.

    3. Click Add .
      A confirmation dialog opens.
    4. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.
      The confirmation dialog and the Add Contact(s) to Call List dialog closes.

The call list is available in the Call Lists workspace.

Navigate to the Call Lists workspace to access the call list, call contacts, and log details about calls after contacting a client.

Calling contacts from call lists

This topic applies only when Capital Markets functionality is enabled.

Select a contact to call from a call list and record details about the call in the call log zone.

To call a contact from a call list:

  1. Navigate to the Call Lists workspace.
  2. From the drop-down list in the top-left corner of the workspace, select the call list that contains contacts to call.
    The list of contacts for the selected call list displays.
  3. Select a contact from the list.
    Details for the contact display in the contacts panel.
  4. In the call log zone, click Load Script and Start Call Log .
    The call list zone becomes unavailable until you complete the call log.
  5. After calling the contact, record details of the call in the call log zone:
    1. In the Description field, enter text that describes the type of client call.


      The description displays as the name of the completed outbound call in NexJ CRM , for example, in My Tasks on the Home workspace.

    2. In the Assign To field, provide the name of the user who made the call.
    3. [Optional] In the Tickers field, you can click Select and add a security's ticker symbol to the call information.
    4. [Optional] In the Sector/Industry field, you can click Select and add a sector or industry to the call information.
    5. In the Notes field, enter text to describe details of the call.
    6. Click Save and Continue .
      The call log saves.

After saving a call log, the call list zone becomes available again. The contact for whom you saved the call log is removed from the call list. The Remaining number about the call list decreases by one to indicate the number of contacts that remain on the call list.

Select another contact to begin another call.

Removing contacts from call lists

This topic applies only when Capital Markets functionality is enabled.

You can remove one or more contacts from a call list.

To remove contacts from call lists:

  1. Navigate to the Call Lists workspace.
  2. From the drop-down list in the top-left corner of the workspace, select the call list that contains the contacts that you want to remove.
    The list of contacts for the selected call list displays.
  3. Select the checkbox beside the contacts to remove.


    You can select all contacts in the list by clicking Select or deselect all records.

  4. Click Actions and select Remove from Current Call List .
    The Remove Contact from Current Call List dialog opens.
  5. Click Yes .
    The Remove Contact from Current Call List dialog closes.

The contacts are removed from the call list.

Moving contacts to another call list

This topic applies only when Capital Markets functionality is enabled.

You can move one or more contacts from a call list to another call list.

To move contacts to another call list:

  1. Navigate to the Call Lists workspace.
  2. From the drop-down list in the top left corner of the workspace, select the call list that contains the contacts that you want to move.
    The list of contacts for the selected call list displays.
  3. Select the checkbox beside the contacts to move.


    You can select all contacts in the list by clicking Select all .

  4. Click Actions and select Move to Another Call List , then select a call list.
    The Move Contact to Call List dialog opens.
  5. Click Yes .
    The Move Contact to Call List dialog closes.

The contact is moved to the call list.

Changing the call date for calls

This topic applies only when Capital Markets functionality is enabled.

You can change the scheduled call date for one or more calls in a call list.

To change the call date for calls:

  1. Navigate to the Call Lists workspace.
  2. From the drop-down list in the top-left corner of the workspace, select the call list that contains the call dates to change.
    The list of contacts for the selected call list displays.
  3. Select the checkbox beside the contacts for which you want to change the call date.


    You can select all contacts in the list by clicking Select all .

  4. Click Actions and select Change Call Date .
    The Change Call Date dialog opens.
  5. In the Next Call Date field, enter a new date or click the date calendar to select a date.
  6. Click OK .
    The Change Call Date dialog closes.

The call date updates for the selected contacts in the call list.

Editing call list names

This topic applies only when Capital Markets functionality is enabled.

You can edit a call list name.

To edit a call list name:

  1. Navigate to the Call Lists workspace.
  2. From the drop-down list in the top left corner of the workspace, click the down arrow and select Manage Call Lists .
    The Manage Call Lists dialog opens. In the dialog, the number of contacts display for each call list.
  3. Hover your cursor over the call list that you want to edit.
  4. Click the Edit button .
    The Edit Call Lists dialog opens.
  5. In the Name field, edit the call list name.
  6. Click OK .
    The Edit Call Lists dialog closes.
  7. Click OK .
    The Manage Call Lists dialog closes.

The call list name updates.

Deleting call lists

This topic applies only when Capital Markets functionality is enabled.

Delete a call list that you no longer require.

To delete a call list from the system:

  1. Navigate to the Call Lists workspace.
  2. From the drop-down list in the top left corner of the workspace, click the down arrow and select Manage Call Lists .
    The Manage Call Lists dialog opens. In the dialog, the number of contacts display for each call list.
  3. Hover your cursor over the call list that you want to delete.
  4. Click the Delete button .
    A confirmation message opens.
  5. Click Delete .
    The confirmation message and Manage Call Lists dialog close.

The call list is deleted from the system.