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Subscribing contacts to research subjects

This topic applies only when Capital Markets functionality is enabled.

If Capital Markets functionality is enabled, a specific area of research, such as a company or industry is a research subject. You subscribe a contact to research subjects that are of interest to the contact.

The contact receives research publications for research subjects by their preferred communication method. A research publication is research material distributed by your company to clients.

You can subscribe a contact to research subjects from one of the following research subject types:

Coverage research
Research publications for a company, industry, or sector.

Research analyst
Research publications produced by a specific research analyst.

Specialty research
Research publications that are not related to a specific security, company, industry, sector, or research analyst.

Other research
Research publications in which you can specify the communication method on the Customize workspace.

Adding single subscriptions for a contact

This topic applies only when Capital Markets functionality is enabled.

Quickly subscribe a contact to a research publication from a contact's Subscriptions tab.

Enter text in the Quick Subscribe field to add a single subscription for a contact. The text that you enter displays search results for research subject types in the following formats:

Coverage Research
Displays ticker symbol, company, sector, or industry name search results. Ticker symbol searches display the ticker symbol followed by the exchange on which the company trades. Company searches display the full name of the company. Ticker symbol and company searches also show the sector and industry that the ticker belongs to. Industry searches display Industry after the industry name, followed by the name of the sector to which the industry belongs. Sector searches display Sector after the sector name.

Research Analyst
Displays the research analyst name, followed by Research Analyst.

Specialty Research
Displays the research name, followed by Specialty Research.

Other Research
Displays the research name, followed by Other Research.

To add a single subscription for a contact:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact to add a single subscription for.
  3. Select the Subscriptions tab.
    A list of research subjects displays. Subscriptions display under research subjects.
  4. In the Quick Subscribe field, enter the research subject name to subscribe the contact to.
    Search results display in the Quick Subscribe field.
  5. In the search results, select a research subject.
    A message indicates that the contact is subscribed to the research subject. The research subject displays below the related research subject type. For example, a research analyst subscription displays under the Research Analyst research subject type.

The contact will receive research publications for the research subject that you subscribed the contact to.

Adding multiple subscriptions for a contact

This topic applies only when Capital Markets functionality is enabled.

Subscribe contacts to multiple research subjects from the coverage research, other research, research analyst, and specialty research subject types. For example, add multiple subscriptions when you first subscribe a contact to research publications.

Coverage research subject types display in columns that represent the industry hierarchy. In the hierarchy, a company belongs to an industry, and an industry belongs to a sector. You subscribe a contact to publications at the sector, industry, and company level. Applying subscriptions at the sector or industry level also subscribes the contact to publications for all industries and companies lower in the hierarchy. For example, subscribing a contact to the Financials sector subscribes the contact to all industries and companies in the Financials sector.

You can also exclude a research subject from research subject subscriptions, including individual sectors, industries, or companies. A subscription applied higher in the industry hierarchy does not apply to an excluded research subject lower in the hierarchy.
To add multiple subscriptions for a contact:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact to add subscriptions for.
  3. Select the Subscriptions tab.
    A list of research subjects displays. Subscriptions display under research subjects.
  4. Click Manage .
    The Manage Subscriptions dialog opens.
  5. Use the tabs to select a research subject type.
  6. To subscribe the contact to research publications for the subject, select the checkbox beside a research subject.
    A dark-gray check mark  displays beside the research subject. For Coverage Research subjects, a light-gray check mark  displays for industries and companies lower in the hierarchy.
  7. To exclude a research subject from subscriptions, click the checkbox until a dark-gray X  displays.
    For Coverage Research subjects, a light-gray X also displays for industries and companies lower in the hierarchy.
  8. Click OK.
    The Manage Subscriptions dialog closes.

The contact will receive research publications for the research subjects that you subscribed the contact to.

Filtering subscriptions to companies by region and market capitalization

This topic applies only when Capital Markets functionality is enabled.

Apply filters to subscriptions to narrow the list of companies that a contact receives publications for.

You apply filters to subscriptions at the sector and industry level. In the filter, you specify region and market capitalization (market cap) values to filter companies that belong to the sectors and industries. The market cap values are compared against the market cap value of the primary security associated with a company. The region value is compared against the exchange region for the security. The exchange region is defined by the primary security's trading country.

The following procedure shows how to create a filter for a new subscription.

To filter subscriptions to companies:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact for which to filter subscriptions to companies.
  3. Select the Subscriptions tab.
    A list of research subjects displays. Subscriptions display under research subjects.
  4. Click Manage .
    The Manage Subscriptions dialog opens.
  5. In the Coverage Research tab, select the checkbox beside a sector or industry research subject.
  6. Click the Set region and market cap filter button  for the sector or industry subscription.
    The Edit Coverage Research Filter dialog opens.
  7. In the Region field, click Select . In the Select Regions dialog, select a region from the left column, then click Add . The region is moved to the right column. Click OK .
  8. In the Market Cap field, do the following:
    1. To define the market cap range, enter lower and upper range values in the Minimum and Maximum fields. Use the down arrow to select a thousand, million, or billion multiplier.
    2. Select a currency from the Currency field.


    If a company uses a currency other than the currency that you specify, the system converts the company's market capitalization using the value in the Currency field.

  9. Click OK .
    The Edit Coverage Research Filter dialog closes. In the Manage Subscriptions dialog, the filter button displays beside the sector or industry to which the filter applies. In the Company column, the Filtered based on region and market cap button  displays beside companies that do not meet the filter criteria.
  10. To remove a filter, click the Reset subscription button  beside the sector or industry to which the filter applies.
  11. Click OK .
    The Manage Subscriptions dialog closes.

The contact is subscribed to research publications for companies that match the filter criteria.

Deleting subscriptions for a contact

This topic applies only when Capital Markets functionality is enabled.

Delete subscriptions for a contact to unsubscribe a contact from one or more research publications. You can unsubscribe a contact from a single subscription, multiple subscriptions, or all subscriptions.

To delete subscriptions for a contact:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact to delete a subscriptions from.
  3. Select the Subscriptions tab.
    A list of research subjects displays. Subscriptions display under research subjects.
  4. If you want to remove a single subscription for a contact:
    1. In a research subject, choose the down arrow  beside the subscription that you want to delete.
      Details display for the subscription.
    2. Click Unsubscribe .
      A confirmation dialog opens.
    3. In the confirmation dialog, click Delete .
      The subscription is deleted and the confirmation dialog closes.
  5. If you want to remove multiple subscriptions for a contact:
    1. Click Manage .
      The Manage Subscriptions dialog opens.
    2. Use the tabs to select a research subject type.
    3. Click the Reset subscription button  beside a research subject to remove the subscription for a publication.


      Resetting a subscription for a sector or industry also removes subscriptions for industries and companies that belong to the sector or industry.

      The checkbox beside the research subject clears.

    4. Click OK .
      The Manage Subscriptions dialog closes.
  6. If you want to remove all subscriptions for a contact:
    1. Click Unsubscribe to All .
      The Unsubscribe All dialog opens.
    2. Click Yes .
      All subscriptions are deleted for the contact and the Unsubscribe All dialog closes.
  7. Click OK .
    The Manage Subscriptions dialog closes.

Subscriptions are removed for the contact.