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Managing financial accounts

Use NexJ CRM to view available and user-tracked financial accounts, holdings, and transaction data for contacts, clients, companies, and households from multiple financial systems.

Financial data can originate from one or more back office systems or you can enter data directly for tracked assets.

NexJ CRM can integrate with your back-office account management applications to reflect current information. Update data at regular intervals using a batch process. For example, integrate with your back-office book of record system by synchronizing nightly.

These topics only apply when Wealth Management functionality is enabled.

Account management types

This topic applies only when Wealth Management functionality is enabled.

An account management type indicates whether an asset is managed by an advisor directly, or tracked internally or externally.

Account management types display for assets in a contact's Portfolio tab. The following list describes the account management types used in the Financial Accounts model.

Accounts that an advisor manages. Information for managed accounts comes from external systems (book of record) and cannot be modified.

Tracked Internal
Off-book accounts or assets that the advisor does not manage directly. These assets exist within the advisor's firm but are not included in the back-office record for the contact. Information for tracked internal accounts can be modified, but is not propagated to the external systems and is for informational purposes only.

Tracked External
Off-book accounts or assets that the advisor does not manage directly. These assets exist outside of the advisor's firm and can include assets like cars or real estate. Information for tracked external accounts can be modified, but is not propagated to external systems and is for information purposes only.

Adding financial accounts

This topic applies only when Wealth Management functionality is enabled.

A consolidated view of all accounts displays for an contact in the Accounts subtab in a contact's Portfolio tab.

The Asset Allocation zone in the contact's Summary tab shows a rolled up total holdings for accounts. Before adding an internal or external tracked holding, you must first create a tracked account.

To add a tracked account:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact for whom the account will be created.
    The selected contact's profile opens.
  3. In the Portfolio tab, click the Accounts subtab.
  4. In the accounts list, click the Add button .
    The Add Account dialog opens.
  5. Enter the desired information about the account. Account Number , Management Type , and Account Type are required fields.
  6. Click OK.
    The Add Account dialog closes and you are returned to the Accounts subtab.
  7. Select the new created tracked account, select the Holdings subtab, and click the Add button .
  8. Select one of the following to create a new tracked holding:
    • Add Holding : Allows you to create a new holding for this account.
    • Add Holdings From List : Allows you to select an existing holding for this account.
  9. After making your selection or entering the information about the new holding, click OK .

Adding related parties to accounts

This topic applies only when Wealth Management functionality is enabled.

The Related Parties subtab for a selected account shows all of the contacts who are associated with the financial account.

This includes owners, beneficiaries, and interested parties. You can add new owners, beneficiaries, and interested parties as required.

Adding owners to accounts

This topic applies only when Wealth Management functionality is enabled.

The Owners zone shows all the contacts who have ownership of the financial account.

If the Management Type of an account is set to Tracked Internal or Tracked External you can add owners to the account.

To add an owner to an account:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact for whom you want to add an account owner.
    The selected contact's profile opens.
  3. In the Portfolio tab, click the Accounts subtab.
  4. Select the account you want to add an owner to, and click the Related Parties tab.
  5. In the Owners zone, click the Add button .
    The Select Owners dialog opens.
  6. Select the new owner of the account and click Add .
    The owner moves to the list on the right.
  7. Double-click the Percentage field beside their name and type in their ownership percentage.
  8. Click OK .

The owner is now associated with the selected account.

Adding beneficiaries to accounts

This topic applies only when Wealth Management functionality is enabled.

The Beneficiaries zone shows all contacts who are designated beneficiaries of an account.

If the Management Type of an account is set to Tracked Internal or Tracked External you can add beneficiaries to the account.

To add beneficiaries to an account:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact for whom you would like to add account beneficiaries.
    The selected contact's profile opens.
  3. In the Portfolio tab, click the Accounts subtab.
  4. Select the account you want to add a beneficiary to, and click the Related Parties tab.
  5. In the Beneficiaries zone, click the Add button .
    The Select Beneficiaries dialog opens.
  6. Select the new beneficiary of the account and click Add.
    The beneficiary moves to the list on the right.
  7. Double-click the Percentage field beside their name and designate the percentage of the account they will be a beneficiary for.
  8. Click OK .

The beneficiary has been added to the account.

Adding interested parties to accounts

This topic applies only when Wealth Management functionality is enabled.

The Interested Parties zone shows contacts who have a relationship to the account.

If the Management Type of an account is set to Tracked Internal or Tracked External you can add interested parties to the account.

To add interested parties to an account:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact for whom you want to add interested parties.
    The selected contact's profile opens.
  3. In the Portfolio tab, click the Accounts subtab.
  4. Select the account you want to add an interested party to, and click the Related Parties subtab.
  5. In the Interested Parties zone, click the Add button .
    The Select Interested Parties dialog opens.
  6. Select the new interested party and click Add .
    The interested party moves to the list on the right.
  7. Double-click the Role field beside their name and assign the contact a role that explains why they are an interested party.
  8. Click OK .

The interested party is now associated with the selected account.


This topic applies only when Wealth Management functionality is enabled.

Holdings provides a consolidated view of all holdings across all of a contact's accounts. Holdings include securities such as stocks and bonds.

You view holdings in the Holdings subtab in a contact's Portfolio tab. Securities held by a contact display in a list. Columns for the list are customizable. For example, you can display the holding name and code, currency type, current value, quantity of units held, and more. In the Detail zone, additional information displays for the selected security, for example, the asset class and whether the security is eligible for a DRIP.

For joint accounts, each contact on a joint account is assigned a percentage of ownership. When viewing accounts for a household, NexJ CRM lists all accounts for which the household members have ownership. However, the ownership percentage and ownership value for the account is aggregated for all members of the household. A single account will only show up once in the list for all joint owners that are members of the selected household.


This topic applies only when Wealth Management functionality is enabled.

A transaction is record of activity on a client's holdings. You can view a summary of all transactions on holdings for a contact in the Transactions subtab in a contact's Portfolio tab.

Transactions are synchronized from external systems and cannot be created or modified.

Transactions cannot be added to Tracked Holdings.