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Merging contacts

When you have duplicate contact records in the database that refer to the same person or organization, you can merge their information to create a single record.

The source contact you select will merge into the target contact you select. Information is merged in the following ways:

  • All information located in the main zone of the contact's profile (such as name, company, household, status, tier) will copy directly from the first contact to the target contact. If there are conflicts (for example, both contacts have different values for the same field) then the target contact's data is kept. For service level management, this means:
    • If the target has a service level already, then no subsequent change is made to the source's service level and service model.
    • If the target has "None" as its service level, then the target takes the source's service level and service model.
  • The data in the other zones of the Detail tab is copied from the first contact to the target contact. The following items are copied in this way:
    • Addresses
    • Communications
    • Custom fields
    • Coverage
    • Contact lists
    • Categories

    All address and communications copied from the source to the target have - merged appended to the address/communication type. Duplicate categories and contact lists will not copy over, but all addresses, communications, and custom fields are copied, even ones with duplicate values. Duplicate coverage (a user who has the same coverage role for both contacts) will not be copied.

    If you have set a coverage role as unique and two different users have that role for the two contacts being merged, you must change the coverage role of one contact before merging the two contacts.

  • All activities, which includes tasks, schedule items, activity plans, and documents, are copied from the source to the target. The For field of the activity is updated with the target in place of the source. If the two contacts are both in the For field of the activity, a duplicate one will not be added to the target; the activity will be updated so that the source no longer appears in the For field.
  • All other NexJ CRM -related items are copied from the source to the target contact. These items are:
    • Opportunities
    • Campaigns
    • Document mailings
    All instances of the source are replaced by the target. If the two contacts are participants in the same campaign, the second contact will remain a participant of the campaign and no duplicate campaign will be created.

To merge one contact into another:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Determine which contact will be the source contact and which contact will be the target contact. Note that both contacts must be the same contact type as the source (person, company, or household).
  3. Click the Action button for the contact you want as the source contact and select Merge Into.
    The Select Person dialog opens.
  4. Select the target contact that you want to merge into.
  5. Click OK.
    The Select Person dialog closes.
  6. Click Continue to submit your merge request. The status of your merge request can be viewed by clicking on the Options button in the navigation toolbar on the Contacts workspace and selecting Batch Processes to open the Batch Processes dialog.

The contact records are merged.