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Generating predefined reports

Use predefined reports to gather and view information about contacts, events, opportunities, schedules, tasks, or service requests in a single location. You can generate reports that provide in-depth data on a single contact and you can generate reports that provide summary information across a number of different contact records.

Predefined reports are preexisting reports that display information from the selected workspace. The data generated is based on the settings defined for each report.

You can generate the following types of predefined reports:

Contact Reports
Contact reports display information from the Contacts workspace for a single contact or for multiple contacts.

Schedule Reports
Schedule reports display information from the Schedule workspace regarding events and schedule items for a single contact or for multiple contacts.

Task Reports
Task reports display information from the Tasks zone in the Schedule workspace for one contact.

Service Request Reports
Service Request reports display information regarding one or more service requests from the Service Requests workspace.

Event Reports
Event reports display information from the Event List tab in the Events workspace for a single event.

Opportunity Detail Reports
Opportunity Detail reports display information from the Detail tab in the Opportunities workspace.

You can generate predefined reports in the following formats:

Comma-separated values (CSV) file. Use CSV format when the report needs to be transferred between various applications.

Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

NexJ CRM's internal reporting engine for previewing ad hoc reports.

Portable Document Format. Report opens in your own default PDF viewers, such as Adobe Reader.

Rich Text Format. Save the report as a RTF file when you want the report to be compatible with other text applications.