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Contact reports

Contact reports display the data collected from the Contacts workspace for a single contact or for a list of contacts. To create a report for a single contact, select the person from the contact list. To create a report for multiple contacts, select a list of contacts. A saved list is a custom list of contacts that may not otherwise share a common characteristic or property. For more information about saved lists, see Creating saved lists .

Contact reports contain different types of information about a contact. The following contact reports are available in NexJ CRM :

Detail Report
Detail Reports contain a contact's profile and relationship information.

Interaction Report
Interaction Reports contain detailed information concerning a note in a selected contact's profile.

Contact List Report
Contact List Reports contain a contact's address and communication information in a table form. The report generates only the information specified in the table heading.Phone Book ReportPhone Book Reports contain a contact's default addresses and their communications.

Service Request Summary Report
Service Request Summary Reports contain a summary of a contact's service requests in a table form. The report displays the service requests of the contact who requested the service and the user to whom the request was assigned.

SLM Touches Report
SLM Touches Reports contain Service Level Management (SLM) touch and communication details of a contact. The report includes the most recent and future interactions between yourself and the contact.

Detail Reports

The Detail Report is a report containing the profile and relationship information of one or more contacts based on the information available in the Detail tab in the Contacts workspace.

The report displays:

  • The contact's first and last name.
  • The date the contact was last updated.
  • Personal information about the contact contained in the Detail tab including the contact's company, position, age, birthday, preferred language, status level, and tier level.
  • The contact's address and communication information.
  • Additional information and categories regarding the contact from the Detail tab. Information includes hobbies, product interests, relationships, and life events.

Generating Detail Reports for a single contact

You can generate a Detail Report for a single contact on the Contacts workspace.

To run a Detail Report for a single contact:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. In the contact list, select the contact for whom you want to generate the report.
    The selected contact's profile opens.
  3. In the contacts panel, click the Reports button , and select Detail Report .
    The Detail Report Parameters dialog opens.
  4. Verify that Current Contact is selected in the Report for Contact section.
  5. Specify what information you want to see in the report:
    Show Bio
    Include the contact's Bio information.
    Show Notes
    Include any notes in the contact record.
    Page break after each contact
    Include a page break between contacts (used for multiple contacts).
    Show Interactions
    Include the contact's interactions. Specify whether you want to show the full note for each interaction or filter the date, type, and status of interaction you had with the contact.
    Show the full note for each interaction
    Include the full note for each interaction.
    Interaction filter options
    Options for interactions filter such as start date, end date, type, and status.
    Report Format
    File format of the report: PDF and RTF.
    Sort By
    Choose either to sort custom fields by name or by priority.
  6. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Generating Detail Reports for multiple contacts

You can generate a Detail Report for multiple contacts on the Contacts workspace.

To run a Detail Report for multiple contacts:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Filter or search the contact list to display and select the contacts that you want to add to your report. The contacts associated with the list display in the contact list.

    You can also use saved list to display the required contacts list. For more information about how to create a saved list, see  Creating saved lists .

  3. In the contacts panel, click the Reports button , and select Detail Report .
    The Detail Report Parameters dialog opens.
  4. Select Current Contact List in the Report for Contact section.
  5. Specify information in addition to the default information the report generates:
    Show Bio
    Include the contact's Bio information.
    Show Notes
    Include any notes in the contact record.
    Page break after each contact
    Include a page break between contacts (used for multiple contacts).
    Show Interactions
    Include the contact's interactions. Specify whether you want to show the full note for each interaction or filter the date, type, and status of interaction you had with the contact.
    Show the full note for each interaction
    Include the full note for each interaction.
    Interaction filter options
    Options for interactions filter such as start date, end date, type, and status.
    Report Format
    File format of the report: PDF and RTF.
    Sort By
    Choose either to sort custom fields by name or by priority.
  6. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Interaction Reports

The Interaction Report is a report that describes a note in a selected contact's profile.

The report displays:

  • The contact's first and last name
  • Personal information about the contact contained in the Detail tab including the contact's company, position, age, birthday, and tier level.
  • The contact's address and communication information.
  • The detail information regarding the note including the note text, start date and time, and status.

Printing Interaction Reports

You can print an Interaction Report for a note in the contact Detail tab on the Contacts workspace.

To print an Interaction Report for a note:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. In the contact list, select the contact for whom you want to generate the report.
    The selected contact's profile opens.
  3. In the Detail tab, select the Notes tab, and select the required note.
  4. Click Print .
    The Interaction Report downloads.
  5. You can either open the report or save the report locally.

You have printed the Interaction Report and can view the activity details.

Contact List Reports

The Contact List Report contains a contact's address and communication information in a table. Depending on the information available for the contact from the Addresses and Communications zones in the Detail tab in the Contacts workspace, some fields may be blank when the report generates.

The report displays the following information:

  • The contact's first and last name.
  • The company, status, and tier of the contact.
  • The contact's default address.
  • The contact's business phone, home phone, fax, email address, and web site.

Generating Contact List Reports for a single contact

You can generate a Contact List Report for a single contact on the Contacts workspace.

To run a Contact List Report for a single contact:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact for whom you want to generate the report.
  3. In the contacts panel, click the Reports button , and select Contact List Report .
    The Contact List Report Parameters dialog opens.
  4. Select Current Contact in the Report for Contact section.
  5. Select the format of the report.
    The options are PDF, Excel, and RTF.
  6. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Generating Contact List Reports for multiple contacts

You can generate a Contact List Report for multiple contacts on the Contacts workspace.

To run a Contact List Report for multiple contacts:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Filter or search the contact list to display and select the contacts that you want to add to your report. The contacts associated with the list appear in the contact list.

    You can also use saved list to display the required contact list. For more information on how to create a saved list, see  Creating saved lists .

  3. In the contacts panel, click the Reports button , and select Contact List Report .
    The Contact List Report Parameters dialog opens.
  4. Select Current Contact List in the Report for Contact section.
  5. Select the format of the report.
    The options are PDF, Excel, and RTF.
  6. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Phone Book Reports

The Phone Book Report is a report that contains the contact's default address and communication information. Depending on the information available for the contact in the Addresses zone and the Communications zone in the Detail tab in the Contacts workspace, some fields may not display when the report generates.

The report displays:

  • The contact's first and last name.
  • The contact's default address.
  • The contact's communication information. Information includes business phone, home phone, mobile phone, fax number, and email.

Generating Phone Book Reports for a single contact

You can generate a Phone Book Report for a single contact on the Contacts workspace.

To run a Phone Book Report for a single contact:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact for whom you want to generate the report.
    The selected contact's profile opens.
  3. In the contacts panel, click the Reports button , and select Phone Book .
    The Phone Book Report dialog opens.
  4. Select Current Contact in the Report for Contact section.
  5. Select the format of the report: PDF, Excel, or RTF.
  6. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Generating Phone Book Reports for multiple contacts

You can generate a Phone Book Report for multiple contacts on the Contacts workspace.

To run a Phone Book Report for multiple contacts:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Filter or search the contact list to display and select the contacts that you want to add to your report. The contacts associated with the list appear in the contact list.

    You can also use saved list to display the required contacts list. For more information on how to create a saved list, see  Creating saved lists .

  3. In the contacts panel, click the Reports button , and select Phone Book .
    The Phone Book Report Parameters dialog opens.
  4. Select Current Contact List in the Report for Contact section.
  5. Select the format of the report: PDF, Excel, and RTF.
  6. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Service Request Summary Reports for contacts

The Service Request Summary Report contains the summary of service requests for a contact presented in a table. The information in the report is from the Service Requests journal in the Contacts workspace.

The report displays the following information for each service request:

  • The service request ID.
  • The description of the service request.
  • The receiver of the service request.
  • The stage, priority, and severity of the service request.
  • The service level agreement metrics for the service request.
  • The contact which the service request is assigned to.

The service level agreement metrics displayed in the report vary based on the stage of a service request. For example, if the first response has not been sent for a service request, the report displays the date and time when the first response must be sent, and if the first response has been sent, it displays the date and time when it was sent.

Generating Service Request Summary Reports for a single contact

You can generate a Service Request Summary Report for a single contact on the Contacts workspace.

To run a Service Request Summary Report for a single contact:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact for whom you want to generate the report.
  3. In the contacts panel, click the Reports button , and select Service Request Summary Report .
    The Service Request Summary Report Parameters dialog opens.
  4. Select Current Contact in the Report for Contact section.
  5. Specify information in addition to the default information the report generates:
    Stage of the service request. The options are open, in progress, escalated, waiting on client, resolved, and closed.
    Severity of the service request. The options are urgent, high, medium, and low.
    Priority of the service request. The options are A (high), B (medium), and C (low).
    Assign To
    The user assigned to the service request.
    Sort By
    Specify how you want the service requests to be sorted in the report. The options are request ID, title, for, stage, severity, and priority.
    Group By
    Specify how you want the service requests to be grouped in the report. The options are title, for, stage, severity, and priority.
    Show Notes
    Notes of the service requests.
    Report Format
    File format of the report. The options are PDF and RTF.
  6. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Generating Service Request Summary Reports for multiple contacts

The Service Request Summary Report generates a report for multiple contacts from a selected saved list.

To run a Service Request Summary Report for multiple contacts:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Filter or search the contact list to display and select the contacts that you want to add to your report. The contacts associated with the list appear in the contact list.

    You can also use a saved list to display the required contacts list. For more information on how to create a saved list, see  Creating saved lists .
  3. In the contacts panel, click the Reports button , and select Service Request Summary Report .
    The Service Request Summary Report Parameters dialog opens.
  4. Select Current Contact List in the Report for Contact section.
  5. Specify information in addition to the default information the report generates.
    Stage of the service request. The options are open, in progress, escalated, waiting on client, resolved, and closed.
    Severity of the service request. The options are urgent, high, medium, and low.
    Priority of the service request. The options are A (high), B (medium), and C (low).
    Assign To
    The user assigned to the service request.
    Sort By
    Specify how you want the service requests to be sorted in the report. The options are request ID, title, for, stage, severity, and priority.
    Group By
    Specify how you want the service requests to be grouped in the report. The options are title, for, stage, severity, and priority.
    Show Notes
    Notes of the service requests.
    Report Format
    File format of the report. The options are PDF and RTF.
  6. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

SLM Touches Reports

The SLM Touches Report is a report that contains details of the interactions you have with a contact. It displays communication details and the recent and future interactions you will have with a contact. The information comes from the Service Model tab in the Detail tab of the Contacts workspace.

The report displays:

  • The contact's first and last name.
  • The tier and service level of the contact.
  • The contact's communication information such as business phone, home phone, and email address.
  • The contact's touch status and touch target.
  • The last touch you had with the contact.

Generating SLM Touches Reports for a single contact

You can generate an SLM Touches Report for a single contact on the Contacts workspace.

To run an SLM Touches Report for a single contact:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Select the contact for whom you want to generate the report.
  3. In the contacts panel, click the Reports button , and select SLM Touches Report .
    The Report Parameters dialog opens.
  4. In the Report for Contact section, select Current Contact .
  5. Specify information in addition to the default information the report generates:
    Touch Type
    Type of touch the report generates. The options are Holiday Greeting, Proactive Touch, and Review.
    The period of the touch. The options are This period and Next Period.

    The period for each touch type is configured when the Service Level Management (SLM) settings are set up in NexJ Admin Console.

    The specific date range of the touch. You can select the date range using the Start and End fields.

    The report will include all periods required to contain the date range you specify. This may mean the report begins earlier or ends later than the dates you specify.

    For example, if you select a touch type with a quarterly reporting period and select a start date of December 12, 2018 and an end date of February 20, 2019, the resulting report will include information from October 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019 because two quarterly periods are required to contain the selected date range.

    Include overdue touches
    To include touches where the target date has already passed, select Include overdue touches.
    Touch Status
    Status of the touch. The options are Unscheduled, Scheduled, Completed, and Deferred.
    Sort by
    Specify how you want the touches to be sorted in the report. The options are Contact Name, Tier, Touch Status, Touch Target, and Last Touch.
    Group by
    Specify how you want the touches to be grouped in the report. The options are Tier, Touch Status, and Service Level.
    Show Interactions
    Select to show interactions with the contact.
    Show the full note for each interaction
    Select to show full note for each interaction.
    Report Format
    File format of the report. The options are PDF, Excel, and RTF.

  6. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Generating SLM Touches Reports for multiple contacts

The SLM Touches Report generates details of the interactions you have with a list of contacts saved in the Saved Lists in the Contacts list.

To run an SLM Touches Report for multiple contacts:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. In the Contact list , click the Set Filter button   and select Saved Lists > All Saved Lists . Select the list for which you want to generate the report and click OK. The contacts associated with the list appear in the contact list.

    If the contacts are not grouped in a saved list, you need to create a saved list in order to generate one report for a collection of contacts. For more information on how to create a saved list, see  Creating saved lists .

  3. In the contacts panel, click the Reports button , and select SLM Touches Report .
    The Report Parameters dialog opens.
  4. In the Report for Contact section, select Current Contact List .
  5. In addition to the default information the report generates, specify:
    Touch Type
    Type of touch the report generates. The options are Holiday Greeting, Proactive Touch, and Review.
    The period of the touch. The options are This period and Next Period.

    The period for each touch type is configured when the Service Level Management (SLM) settings are set up in NexJ Admin Console.

    The specific date range of the touch. You can select the date range using the Start and End fields.

    The report will include all periods required to contain the date range you specify. This may mean the report begins earlier or ends later than the dates you specify.

    For example, if you select a touch type with a quarterly reporting period and select a start date of December 12, 2018 and an end date of February 20, 2019, the resulting report will include information from October 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019 because two quarterly periods are required to contain the selected date range.

    Include overdue touches
    To include touches where the target date has already passed, select Include overdue touches.
    Touch Status
    Status of the touch. The options are Unscheduled, Scheduled, Completed, and Deferred.
    Sort by
    Specify how you want the touches to be sorted in the report. The options are Contact Name, Tier, Touch Status, Touch Target, and Last Touch.
    Group by
    Specify how you want the touches to be grouped in the report. The options are Tier, Touch Status, and Service Level.
    Show Interactions
    Select to show interactions with the contact.
    Show the full note for each interaction
    Select to show full note for each interaction.
    Report Format
    File format of the report. The options are PDF, Excel, and RTF.

  6. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Running Batch Process Reports

The Batch Process Report generates the details of the batch process activity.

To run a Batch Process Report:

  1. Navigate to the Contacts workspace.
  2. In the contacts panel, click the Reports button , and select Batch Processes .
    The Batch Processes dialog opens.
  3. Select the batch process you want to generate a report on.
  4. Click View Report .
  5. In the dialog that opens, select whether you want to open or save the report.