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Event reports

Event reports provide information about a single event in printable and downloadable files. Event reports contain information shown on the Events workspace.

There are multiple types of event reports.

Event Schedule Report
Details about the event schedule and participants.

Event Summary
High-level summary information for selected event.

Event Feedback Report
Summary of information about feedback tasks for selected event.

Meeting Request Report
Requests from sales representatives to add additional attendees to event meetings.

Event List
Details about all events shown in the Event List tab.

Event List By Sector
Details about all events shown in the Event List tab, grouped by sector.

Meeting Availability Report
Details about open event meetings for all events shown in the Event List tab.

Daily Event Summary
High-level summary information for all events shown in the Event List tab, which is organized by the dates when the first event meetings occur in event legs.

Generating event schedule reports

The Event Schedule Report is a report containing schedule and participant information about a single event. It is generated based on the information from the detail pane of the Event List tab on the Events workspace.

Depending on the options you select, the Event Schedule Report displays one or more of the following:

  • A cover page with the name of the event
  • List of attendees
  • Information about itinerary items, such as travel and meals
  • Information about event meetings
  • Schedule summary and detailed schedule for the event

To run the Event Schedule Report for an event:

  1. Navigate to the Events workspace and select the Event List tab.
  2. In the Event List tab, click the Action button  for the event you want to generate the report for and select Event Schedule Report .
    The Report Parameters dialog displays.
  3. In the Report Options section of the Report Parameters dialog, specify which information you want to include in the report.
    Show Cover Page
    Displays the name and dates of the event.
    Show Attendees
    Displays a list of all participants in the event, including their contact details, except Attendee participants.
    Show Transportation
    Displays a brief list of all itinerary items, including their contact information.
    Show Schedule Summary
    Displays a brief list of all event meetings, including the time, meeting type, institution or location, and meeting participants.
    Show Schedule Detail
    Displays detailed information for all itinerary items and meeting events, including time, location, participants, and contact details.
  4. In the Filter Options section of the Report Parameters dialog, do one of the following.
    • Select Leg and specify either one of the event legs or All Legs .
    • Select Date Range and specify dates in the Start Date and End Date fields.


    If you select Date Range , then the Show Attendees report option becomes disabled and cannot be selected. You cannot include the detailed list of participants in an event report for specific dates.

  5. In the Report Format section of the Report Parameters dialog, select the report format.
    The options are PDF, Excel, and RTF.
  6. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Generating event summary reports

The Event Summary report provides a high-level summary of the information for a single event. It is generated based on information from the detail pane of the Event List tab on the Events workspace.

The Event Summary report shows the following summary information:

  • The number of companies that are being marketed
  • The number of analysts
  • The number of regions
  • The number of client accounts
  • The event legs

The Event Summary report displays the following information for each event leg:

  • The title of the event leg
  • The city where the event leg will be held
  • The date and time of the event meetings in the event
  • The types of event meetings
  • The names of contacts attending the meetings, grouped by company name
  • The locations of the event meetings

To run the Event Summary report for an event:

  1. Navigate to the Events workspace and select the Event List tab.
  2. In the Event List tab, click the Action button  for the event you want to generate the report for and select Event Summary .
    The Report Parameters dialog displays.
  3. In the Report Parameters dialog, select the report format.
    The options are PDF, Excel, and RTF.
  4. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Generating event feedback reports

The Event Feedback Report gathers feedback information related to the meetings for a single event and summarizes them in a report. It shows how many meetings occurred for an event and how many institutional clients attended the event. It is generated based on the feedback information provided in the Add Event Meeting Feedback dialog or in feedback tasks.

The Event Feedback Report displays the following information for each event leg:

  • Company names for attendees who are providing feedback
  • Attendee names for attendees who are providing feedback
  • Feedback comments

To run the Event Feedback Report for an event:

  1. Navigate to the Events workspace and select the Event List tab.
  2. In the Event List tab, click the Action button  for the event you want to generate the report for and select Event Feedback Report .
    The Report Parameters dialog displays.
  3. In the Report Parameters dialog, select the report format.
    The options are PDF and RTF.
  4. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Generating meeting request reports

The Meeting Request Report is a report containing the list of all the contacts added to all meeting requests for a single event.

It is generated based on the information in the Requests tab in the detail pane of the Event List tab on the Events workspace.
The Meeting Request Report displays the following information:

  • The name and the city of the event leg
  • The start time and type of the meeting
  • The names of the companies, as well as their tier and revenue information
  • The names of the requested attendees
  • The status of the meeting request
  • The name of the person who created the meeting request

To run the Meeting Request Report for an event:

  1. Navigate to the Events workspace and select the Event List tab.
  2. In the Event List tab, click the Action button  for the event you want to generate the report for and select Meeting Request Report .
    The Report Parameters dialog displays.
  3. In the Report Parameters dialog, select the report format.
    The options are PDF, Excel, and RTF.
  4. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Generating event list reports

The Event List report provides a summary of the information for all of the events in the Event List tab. It is generated based on information from the detail pane of the Event List tab on the Events workspace.

The Event List report displays the following information for each event:

  • Date range
  • Event title
  • Ticker
  • Sector
  • Market Cap
  • Region
  • Domestic Region
  • City
  • Country
  • Event Type
  • Management Attendees
  • Expense Code

To run the Event List report for an event:

  1. Navigate to the Events workspace and select the Event List tab.
  2. Click the Reports button  and select Event List .
    The Report Parameters dialog displays.
  3. In the Report Parameters dialog, select the following:
    1. Select one or more additional group options. The options are Domestic Region or City.
    2. Select a report format. The options are PDF, Excel, and RTF.
  4. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Generating event list by sector reports

The Event List By Sector report provides a summary of the information for all of the events in the Event List tab grouped by sector. It is generated based on information from the detail pane of the Event List tab on the Events workspace. You define sectors for events when you add events and provide the information for the Sector/Industry fields.

The Event List By Sector report displays the following information grouped by sector for each event:

  • Date range
  • Event title
  • Ticker
  • Sector
  • Market Cap
  • Region
  • Domestic Region
  • City
  • Country
  • Event Type
  • Management Attendees
  • Expense Code

To run the Event List By Sector report for an event:

  1. Navigate to the Events workspace and select the Event List tab.
  2. Click the Reports button  and select Event List By Sector .
    The Report Parameters dialog displays.
  3. In the Report Parameters dialog, select the following:
    1. Select an additional group option. The options are Domestic Region or City.
    2. Select a report format. The options are PDF, Excel, and RTF.
  4. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Generating meeting availability reports

The Meeting Availability Report shows upcoming events and their available meeting times. You can use this report to see which events need more attention to increase the number of attendees. This report is generated based on information from the detail pane of the Event List tab on the Events workspace.

The Meeting Availability Report is organized by the date for each open event. It displays the range of dates for all open events and shows event information organized by date. It displays the following information for each event:

  • Date of each event
  • Title of each event
  • Tickers
  • City
  • Status
  • Availability (meeting times for scheduled meetings with a status of Open)

To run the Meeting Availability Report for an event:

  1. Navigate to the Events workspace and select the Event List tab.
  2. Click the Reports button  and select Meeting Availability Report .
    The Report Parameters dialog displays.
  3. In the Report Parameters dialog, select a report format.
    The options are PDF, Excel, and RTF.
  4. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Generating daily event summary reports

The Daily Event Summary report provides a high-level summary of all of the events information in the Event List tab. It is organized by the dates when the first event meetings occur in event legs. It is sorted by domestic region and is based on information from the detail pane of the Event List tab on the Events workspace.

The Daily Event Summary report shows the following summary information:

  • The number of companies that are being marketed
  • The number of analysts
  • The number of regions
  • The number of client accounts
  • The event names, countries, and event types grouped by the domestic region attribute for each event leg

The Daily Event Summary report displays the following event details for each event leg, which are grouped by event name and event date:

  • The title for the event leg
  • The city where the event leg will be held
  • The date when the first event meeting occurs
  • The times for event meetings in each event leg
  • The event meeting types
  • The name of contacts attending the meetings, grouped by company name
  • The location of the event meetings

To run the Daily Event Summary report for an event:

  1. Navigate to the Events workspace and select the Event List tab.
  2. Click the Reports button  and select Daily Event Summary .
    The Report Parameters dialog displays.
  3. In the Report Parameters dialog, select a report format.
    The options are PDF, Excel, and RTF.
  4. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.