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Opportunity Detail Reports

Opportunity Detail reports display details about a parent or product opportunity. The report generates information from the Detail tab in the Opportunities workspace. You can run a report for the selected opportunity or the current opportunity list.

The report displays:

  • The name of the opportunity.
  • The name of the product.
  • The first and last name of the client.
  • The probability of the opportunity.
  • The priority of the opportunity.
  • The current stage of the opportunity.
  • The expected and actual close date of the opportunity.
  • The expected, weighted, and actual amounts of the opportunity.
  • The outcome of the opportunity.
  • The lead source of the opportunity.
  • The campaign which generated this opportunity.
  • The team involved with the opportunity.
  • The interactions related to the opportunity.

Generating Opportunity Detail Reports for a single opportunity

You can generate the Opportunity Detail report for a single opportunity selected in the Opportunities workspace list.

To run the Opportunity Detail report for a single opportunity:

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities workspace.
  2. In the opportunity list, select the opportunity that you want to include in the report.
  3. Above the Opportunities workspace list, click the Opportunity Detail Report button .
    The Report Parameters dialog opens.
  4. In the Report for Opportunity section, select Current Opportunity.
  5. Select the options that you want to apply to the report:
    Show Overview
    Includes the description about the opportunity.
    Page break after each opportunity
    This option applies only when you generate a report containing multiple sales opportunites.For reports on the complete opportunity list, inserts a page break after each opportunity.
    Show Interactions
    Includes the interactions associated with the opportunity and provides the following additional options:
    Show the full note for each interaction
    Includes the text entered in the Notes field of the Interaction Properties dialog.
    Interaction filter options
    Filters the interactions included in the report. You can filter by start and end date, status, and type.
    Report Format
    Specifies the file format of the report: PDF or RTF.
  6. Click Run Report.

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Generating Opportunity Detail Reports for multiple opportunities

You can generate the Opportunity Detail report containing all sales opportunities in the Opportunities workspace list. Use the filter or search options to display the sales opportunities you want to view.

To run the Opportunity Detail report for multiple opportunities:

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities workspace.
  2. Filter or search the opportunity list to display the opportunities that you want to include in your report.
  3. Above the Opportunities workspace list, click the Opportunity Detail Report button .
    The Report Parameters dialog opens.
  4. In the Report for Opportunity section, select Current Opportunity List.
  5. Select the options that you want to apply to the report:
    Show Overview
    Includes the description about the opportunity.
    Page break after each opportunity
    For reports on the complete opportunity list, inserts a page break after each opportunity.
    Show Interactions
    Includes the interactions associated with the opportunity and provides the following additional options:
    Show the full note for each interaction
    Includes the text entered in the Notes field of the Interaction Properties dialog.
    Interaction filter options
    Filters the interactions included in the report. You can filter by start and end date, status, and type.
    Report Format
    Specifies the file format of the report: PDF or RTF.
  6. Click Run Report.

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.