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Service request reports

Service request reports display information about a service request. You can generate the report for one or more service requests. The report generates information from the Service Requests workspace.

To view the Service Requests workspace:

  • Click the Service Requests workspace in the main toolbar.


To show Service Requests workspace in the main toolbar, select View > Service Requests .

Service request reports:

Service Request Detail Report
Provides a detailed description of a service request.

Service Request Detail Reports

The Service Request Detail Report generates details of a service request. The report generates information from the Activities tab and Detail tab in the Service Requests workspace. You can generate the report for one or more service requests.

The report displays:

  • The description of the service request.
  • The user assigned to the service request.
  • The contact the service request is for.
  • The status, priority, and severity level of the service request.
  • Service level agreement metrics for the service request.
  • Notes included for the service request.


The service level agreement metrics displayed in the report vary based on the stage of a service request. For example, if the first response has not been sent for a service request, the report displays the date and time when the first response must be sent, and if the first response has been sent, it displays the date and time when it was sent.

Generating Service Request Detail Report for a single service request

You can generate a Service Request Detail Report for a single service request on the Service Requests workspace.

To run a Service Request Detail Report for a single service request:

  1. Navigate to the Service Requests workspace.
  2. In the Service Request zone, select the service request you want to generate the report on.
  3. In the service requests panel, click the Reports button , and select Service Request Detail Report .
    The Service Request Detail Report Parameters dialog opens.
  4. Specify information in addition to the default information the report generates.
    Include pending service requests
    Enables you to include service requests with a status of pending in the report.
    Show Activities
    Display the related activities for each service request.
    Show the full note for each activity
    Display notes associated with each activity.
    Activities filters options
    Enables you to filter the report by start date, end date, status, and type.
    Show Contacts
    Display the contact information of the contacts assigned to this service request.
    Report Format
    File format of the report. The options are PDF and RTF.
  5. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.

Generating Service Request Detail Report for multiple service requests

You can generate a Service Request Detail Report for multiple service requests on the Service Requests workspace.

To run a Service Request Detail Report for multiple service requests:

  1. Navigate to the Service Requests workspace.
  2. In the service requests panel, click the Reports button , and select Service Request Detail Report .
    The Report Parameters dialog opens.
  3. Select Current Service Request List in the Report for Service Requests option.
  4. Specify information in addition to the default information the report generates:
    Page break after each service request
    Insert a page break after each service request.
    Show Activities
    Display the related activities for each service request.
    Show the full note for each activity
    Display notes associated with each activity.
    Activities filters options
    Enables you to filter the report by start date, end date, status, and type.
    Show Contacts
    Display the contact information of the contacts assigned to this service request.
    Report Format
    File format of the report. The options are PDF and RTF.
  5. Click Run Report .

The report is generated. In the dialog that opens, you can specify whether you want to save the report or open it immediately.