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Won or Lost Opportunities sample report

NexJ Customer Relationship Management provides the Won or Lost Opportunities sample report as an example that shows opportunities that were closed as won or lost in the last six months.

You can access this report out-of-the-box by navigating to the Manage tab and the Library subtab on the Ad Hoc Reports workspace and selecting the report.

The sample report contains the following columns and is filterable using the Template and Actual Close Date columns:

A short description of the opportunity or title for the opportunity

The name of the opportunity template

The name of the client

The name of the account owner for the opportunity

Expected close date
The date when the opportunity is expected to close

Actual close date
The date when the opportunity officially closes

Expected amount
The revenue amount expected from the opportunity

Actual amount
The actual revenue amount generated by the opportunity

Whether the opportunity was lost or won

An explanation for why the opportunity was lost or won