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Viewing contact, user, and company profiles

You can view the profiles of NexJ CRM contacts, users, or companies directly in Microsoft Outlook from emails in your mailbox, from an open email message you have received or are sending, or from schedule items in your calendar.

To view a contact, user, or company profile from an email or a schedule item:

  1. Select or open the email or schedule item associated with the contact, user, or company and click View Contact in the NexJ CRM group in the ribbon.
    The NexJ CRM Contact Viewer dialog appears. It displays a condensed version of the contact, user, or company profile, such as household, company, status, and communication information. At the bottom of the viewer you can see the other recipients of the email or meeting attendees, together with the contact type: Contact, User, or Company.
  2. To view the profile of other recipients of the email or the attendees of the meeting, click their name on the bottom of the NexJ CRM Contact Viewer dialog.
    If the email address on the bottom of the dialog does not have a type listed next to it, then the profile for that person or company does not exist in NexJ CRM .
  3. [Optional] If you click on an email address for an entity that does not exist in NexJ CRM and if the application administrator has enabled this functionality, the Select contacts to add to NexJ CRM dialog may appear.

    Use this dialog to either associate the unrecognized email addresses with existing contacts or to add the contacts to NexJ CRM before proceeding with your task. The dialog may have different functionality depending on how your application administrator has configured it.

    This dialog may also appear if neither the sender nor the recipient are users, contacts, or companies in NexJ CRM .

    1. For each contact that already exists in NexJ CRM , but is associated with a different email address, click Add email to existing contact .
      In the NexJ CRM Lookup dialog that appears, select the existing contact that you wish to associate with the new email address and click OK .
      The Select contacts to add to NexJ CRM dialog appears, and the contact's name appears in the Existing Contact column. The selection checkbox to the left of the contact's email is disabled.
    2. For each contact you want to add to NexJ CRM , confirm or specify the email address, first name, and last name.
    3. If your application administrator enabled this functionality, specify the rep code associated with each new contact you are adding to NexJ CRM .
    4. If the application administrator enabled this functionality, specify the company associated with each contact.
      The Select Company field may be required or optional. If it is required and you do not specify a company, those contacts will not be added to NexJ CRM .
    5. Select the contacts you want to add to NexJ CRM or click Select All .
    6. Click Next .
  4. Click the Close button to close the NexJ CRM Contact Viewer dialog.