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Predefined reports

NexJ CRM provides a number of predefined reports to help you gather and view information about your entities, schedules, service requests, and tasks.

Some predefined reports allow you to extract, save, or print data for a single record, while others summarize information across a number of different data records.

You can generate the following types of predefined reports:

  • Contact reports
    Contact reports present information for a single entity or for multiple entities from the Contacts workspace.
  • Schedule reports
    Schedule reports present information regarding schedule items for a single entity or for multiple entities from the Schedule workspace.
  • Task Reports
    Task reports present the information for your tasks from the Tasks workspace.
  • Service Request Detail reports
    Service Request Detail reports present information for one or more service requests from the Service Requests workspace.

  • SLM Touches Report
    The SLM Touches Report contains service level management information for contacts. For each touch type, it lists contacts for which the touch type applies. It displays communication and service model information for each contact, as well details of any recent and upcoming touches.

If you are an administrator, you can generate the following types of predefined reports:

  • Opportunity Detail Reports
    Opportunity Detail reports display information from the Detail tab in the Opportunities workspace.
  • Event Reports
    Event reports present information from the Event List tab in the Events workspace for a single event.

Depending on the report, the following export formats may be available:

  • Excel
    Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

    As of NexJ CRM 22.06, when you generate a report using the Excel export format, by default the report can be saved as an Excel Workbook (*.xlsx).

  • PDF
    Portable Document Format. Report opens in your own default PDF viewer, such as Adobe Reader. This is the best choice if you want to print or share the report as-is.
  • RTF
    Rich Text Format. Suitable for editing later in a word processor. When you want the report to be compatible with other text applications, save it as an RTF file.

Contact reports

Contact reports collect and display data from the Contacts workspace. Depending on the report, the information might be for a single entity, or for a collection of entities from a set of search results or a saved list.

The following contact reports are available in NexJ CRM :

  • Detail Report
    Detail Reports contain information that you provide in entity records, including addresses and communication methods, personal information, relationship information, and all custom fields and categories.
  • Contact List Report
    Contact List Reports contain addressed and communication methods in a table form. The report generates only the information specified in the table heading.
  • Phone Book
    Phone Book reports contain the default addresses and communication methods.
  • Interaction Report
    Interaction Reports contain detailed information about a note for a selected entity.
  • My Contacts' Recent Activities Report
    My Contacts' Recent Activities Reports contains information about activity records for entities that you have access to in NexJ CRM. Unlike the other reports in this list, which can be generated on the Contacts workspace, the My Contacts' Recent Activities Report can be generated on the Home workspace, in the My Contacts' Recent Activities tab.

After you generate a report, depending on your browser settings, you can either access it in your Downloads folder or in the dialog that opens specify whether you want to save the report locally or open it immediately.

Detail report

The Detail report contains the following information for one or more entities:

  • First and last names for people or company names for companies.
  • Information about the entity that is contained in the entity record. For example, a Detail Report for a contact includes the contact's company, position, status, age, birthday, and tier level.
  • Addresses and communication methods.
  • Custom fields and categories.

To generate the Detail report:

  • On the Contacts workspace, ensure the entities you are interested in are displayed in the search results, or that you have loaded your saved list. Then click the Reports button
    in the data table toolbar and select Detail Report. If you intend to run the report for only a single contact, ensure that contact is selected before you click the button.

In the Specify Report Parameters dialog, specify the scope and format options for the report:

Report parameterDescription
Current ContactRun the report for the single specified entity.
Current Contact ListRun the report for all entities specified by the filter results or saved list that was active when you chose to run the report.
Show BioInclude biographical information.
Show NotesInclude any notes.
Page break after each contactIn a report for multiple entities, causes each entity's information to begin on a new page.
Show ActivitiesInclude entity activities. If selected, you can additionally include note information and filter the activities that are included in the report.
Show the full note for each activityWhen including activities in the report, include the full note for each activity.
Activity filter options

When including activities in the report, identify which activities should be included.

When this field is enabled, you can specify the start and end dates, statuses, activity types, and activity templates for activities that should be included in the report.

Report format

Specify the file format for the report.

You can also create a Detail Report for a single entity record from the More Actions menu
for the entity. If an email communication method is not specified for an entity, the Detail Report button displays in the record row when you hover over the entity record in the data table. Generating the report this way produces a PDF with no bio, notes, or activity information.

Contact List report

The Contact List report collects the address and communication information for one or more entities into a single table. Depending on the information available for each entity, some fields may be blank when the report generates.

Contact Reports contain the following information for the selected entities:

  • First and last names for people or company names for companies.
  • The company of a contact.
  • Status and tier. 
  • The default address for each entity.
  • Communication information, including business phone, home phone, fax, email address, and website.

To create a Contact List report:

On the Contacts workspace, ensure the entities you are interested in are displayed in the search results, or that you have loaded your saved list. Then click the Reports button

in the data table toolbar and select Contact List Report. If you intend to run the report for only a single contact, ensure that contact is selected before you click the button.

You can then specify the following parameters for the report:

Dialog sectionReport parameterDescription
Report for ContactCurrent ContactRun the report for the single specified entity.
Current Contact ListRun the report for all entities specified by the filter results or saved list that was active when you chose to run the report.
Report Format
  • PDF
  • Excel
  • RTF
Specifies the file format for the report.

If you switch to the French locale in the classic UI (available with 8.X releases), and run the Contact List Report, the header row formatting may not have an equal height across all columns in the generated report.

Phone Book report

The Phone Book report contains a subset of the information in the Contact report, focusing specifically on the default contact information for the selected entities. In contrast to the Contact List report, which presents the information in a table in all formats, the Phone Book report presents its information, as the name suggests, as a printable phone book that you can use as an off-line reference. Each page in the report contains two columns, and the contact data is listed alphabetically by last name. Guide names (the first and last name on each page) are also included in the upper right corner of each page. Depending on the information available for each entity, some fields may be blank when the report generates. 

Phone Book Reports contain the following information for the selected entities:

  • First and last names for people or company names for companies.
  • The default address for each entity.
  • Communication information, including business phone, home phone, mobile phone, fax number, and email.

To create a Phone Book Report on the Contacts workspace, click the Reports button

in the data table toolbar and select the Phone Book option.

In the Specify Report Parameters dialog, specify the report parameters in the following sections:

Dialog sectionReport parameterDescription
Report for ContactCurrent ContactRun the report for the single specified entity.
Current Contact ListRun the report for all entities specified by the filter results or saved list that was active when you chose to run the report.
Report Format
  • PDF
  • Excel
  • RTF
Specifies the file format for the report.

Interaction Report (Print Note)

The interaction report allows you to print the content of any note that appears on an entity's Summary tab. The note contents are accompanied by a summary of the contact associated with that note. Specifically, the information includes:

  • The first and last name for a person or the company name for a company.
  • Information about the entity that is contained in the entity record. For example, the contact's company, position, status, age, birthday, and tier level.
  • Addresses and communication methods.
  • Detailed information about the note, including the note text, start date and time, and status.

To print this report, navigate to the Summary tab for a specific entity. On the Notes card, click the More Actions button for the note you want to report on, and select Print. This generates a PDF with the information, which you can then save or print.

My Contacts' Recent Activities report

The My Contacts' Recent Activities report creates a summary table of the records displayed in the My Contacts Recent Activities tab within the Home workspace. Specifically, for each record, it captures:

  • The date and time the activity was last updated.
  • The type of activity
  • The entity the activity was created for.
  • A description of the activity.
  • The status of the activity.
  • The start date and time for the activity
  • Name of the user that last edited the activity record.
  • Any notes included in the activity. These notes may also include additional information, depending on the activity type. For example, the notes for an email may include the subject and body of the email.

To create a My Contacts' Recent Activities report, navigate to the Home workspace. In the My Contacts' Recent Activities tab, filter the data table to display only those records you want to report on. Then click the Reports button

in the data table toolbar and select My Contacts' Recent Activities Report option. In the Specify Report Parameters dialog, specify the file format for the report. Available formats are PDF, Excel, and RTF.

Schedule reports

Schedule reports display data collected from the Schedule workspace. Using schedule reports, you can generate reports for one or more users and their schedule items and events.

Four different Schedule reports are available:

Briefing Book
Captures the details of an item appearing in a user's schedule.

Schedule Day Report
Summarizes all schedule items in a user's day.

Schedule Week Report

Summarizes all schedule items in a user's week.

Schedule Month Report

Summarizes all schedule items in a user's month.

Briefing Book reports

The Briefing Book report generates the details of a schedule item in the Schedule workspace. The schedule item for the contact must be selected in the Schedule workspace to generate the report.

The Briefing Book report displays:

  • The description of the schedule item.
  • The location of the schedule item (as applicable).
  • The date, start, and end time of the schedule item.
  • The contacts assigned to scheduled item.
  • The contact or contacts that the schedule item is for.
  • Notes for the schedule item.
  • Personal information of the contact or contacts in the For field of the schedule item from the Detail tab in the Contacts workspace.
  • The activities of the associated contact or contacts.

To run a Briefing Book Report:

  1. Navigate to the Schedule workspace.
  2. Select the schedule item you want a report for in the calendar.
  3. In the schedule, click the Reports button, and select Briefing Book  Report.

  4. Specify what additional information you want to appear in the report:

    Dialog sectionReport parameterDescription
    Meeting Display OptionsDisplay full noteInclude the full notes of the schedule item.
    Display Contact InfoShow BioInclude the Bio information for the contacts associated with the schedule item.
    Show NotesShow notes of the contacts associated with this schedule item.
    Show ActivitiesShow the activities of the contacts associated with the schedule item.
    Show the full note for each activityInclude the full note for each activity.
    Activities filter options

    When including activities in the report, identify which activities that should be included.

    When this field is enabled, you can specify the start and end dates, statuses, and activity types for included activities.

    Report Format
    • PDF
    • RTF
    Specifies the file format for the report.
  5. Click Run  Report.

Day, Week, and Month reports

The Schedule Day, Schedule Week, and Schedule Month reports all provide reports of a user's schedule items, using various levels of granularity.

To generate any of these reports:

  1. Open the schedule that you want to create the report for and navigate to the day, week, or month that you want to generate the report for.

    If you want to select a user and the user does not appear in the Schedules card, add them as described in Displaying schedules for other users on your team.

  2. Click the Reports button
    and select the report to run.

If you have selected more than one user, then the report will generate for all of them, with each user's schedule information starting on a new page.

Schedule Day

The Schedule Day Report is a report of a user's schedule items for a selected day using half-hour increments.

The report includes:

  • The status of each schedule item.
  • The description of each schedule item.
  • The location of each schedule item.
  • The users assigned to each schedule item.
  • The contacts associated with each schedule item.
  • Notes of each schedule item.

When generating the Schedule Day report, you are able to specify the start and end of the workday, as well as the report format, either PDF, or RTF.

Schedule Week 

The Schedule Week Report is a report of a user's schedule items, summarized for each day, and starting a new page every week.

For the purposes of this report, weeks are defined as beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday. Work weeks are defined as beginning on Monday and ending on Friday.

The report displays:

  • The start and end time of each schedule item.
  • The status of each schedule item.
  • The description of each schedule item.
  • The contacts assigned to each schedule item.
  • The contacts assigned for each schedule item.
  • The location of each schedule item.
  • Notes of each schedule item.

When running the report, you are able to specify the following additional parameters:

Dialog sectionReport ParameterDescription
For Schedule Week ReportStartA day within the first week of the report. For example, if you pick a Wednesday, the report will start on either the Sunday or Monday, depending on whether you select the Work Week Only option.
EndA day within the last week of the report. For example, if you pick a Thursday, then the report will continue until either the Friday or Saturday, depending on whether you select the Work Week Only option.
Work Week OnlyIf selected, the report excludes any weekend information.
Report Format
  • PDF
  • RTF
Specifies the file format for the report.

Schedule Month

The Schedule Month Report is a report of a user's schedule items in a month, displayed in a calendar view.

The report displays:

  • The month and year.
  • The selected user.
  • The start and end time of each scheduled item. Completed schedule items will show [Completed] instead of time information.

  • The description of each schedule item.

When running the report, you are able to specify the following additional parameters:

Dialog sectionReport ParameterDescription
For Schedule Month ReportStartA day within the first month of the report. For example, if you pick June 17, 2019, the report will begin with June 1, 2019.
EndA day within the last month of the report. For example, if you pick July 2, 2019, July 31, 2019.
Report Format
  • PDF
  • RTF
Specifies the file format for the report.

Task reports

Task reports allow you to export and print the query results from the tabs of the Tasks workspace.

There are two types of task reports, depending on the types of tasks you are querying:

User Task Report
If you are querying the tasks assigned to a specific user, you can generate a tabular report of those results.

My Delegated Task Reports
If you are querying the tasks that you created, but which are assigned to other users, you can generate a tabular report of those results, with some additional options.

Access and generate the task reports from the Tasks workspace by clicking the Reports button

on the Tasks workspace. The appropriate report for your result set will be available for you to select and run

User Task Reports

The User Task report collects the results of a query on tasks assigned to a specific user. These are commonly created in the Tasks tab of the Tasks workspace. The report lists the tasks in ascending order by date.

For each task, the report includes:

  • The description of the task.
  • The name and preferred communication of the entity that the task is for.
  • The status, and priority level of the task.
  • The start and due date of the task.

A header indicating the user whose tasks appear in the report is also included on each page.

When running the report, you are able to specify the following additional parameters:

Dialog sectionReport ParameterDescription
Report Format
  • PDF
  • Excel
  • RTF
Specifies the file format for the report.

Delegated Task Reports

The Delegated Task report collects the results of a query on tasks that you have created and then assigned to other users. These are commonly created in the My Delegated Tasks tab of the Tasks workspace.

The Delegated Task Report groups tasks by assignee, and includes:

  • The description of the task.
  • The name and preferred communication of the entity that the task is for.
  • The status and priority level of the task.
  • The start and due date of the task.

A header indicating the user that the tasks are assigned to appears above each task grouping.

When running the report, you are able to specify the following additional parameters:

Dialog sectionReport ParameterDescription
For My Delegated Task ReportInclude page break after each user's tasksInserts a page break between the task lists for each assignee. This only applies to PDF and RTF formats.
Show users with no tasks

Only applicable to PDF and RTF report formats. Includes a section (or page) for each user that appears in the unfiltered delegated task list, but to whom none of the filter results are assigned.

Setting this option when using the Excel report format results in one empty row for each such user, but without listing their names.

Report Format
  • PDF
  • Excel
  • RTF
Specifies the file format for the report.

Service request details report

The Service Request Detail Report provides a detailed description of one or more service requests.

For each service request, the report includes:

  • The description of the service request.
  • The user assigned to the service request.
  • The contact the service request is for.
  • The status, priority, and severity level of the service request.
  • Service level agreement metrics for the service request.


    The service level agreement metrics displayed in the report vary based on the stage of a service request. For example, if the first response has not been sent for a service request, the report displays the date and time when the first response must be sent, and if the first response has been sent, it displays the date and time when it was sent.

  • Notes included for the service request.

The information for each request is captured on its own page.

To generate the Service Request Detail report:

  • On the Service Requests workspace, ensure the service requests that you are interested in are displayed in the search results, or that you have loaded your saved list. Then click the Reports button
    in the data table toolbar and select Service Request Detail Report. If you intend to run the report for only a single request, ensure that request is selected before you click the button.

In the Specify Report Parameters dialog, specify the scope and format options for the report:

Dialog sectionReport parameterDescription
Report for Service RequestsCurrent Service RequestRun the report for the single specified service request.
Current Contact ListRun the report for all service requests specified by the filter results or saved list that was active when you chose to run the report.
Page break after each service requestIn a report for multiple requests, causes each request's information to begin on a new page.
Activities Options

Show Activities

Include request activities. You can additionally include note information and filter the activities that are included.

Show the full note for each activityWhen including activities in the report, include the full note for each activity.
Activities filter optionsWhen including activities in the report, this allows you to filter the activities that are included by start and end date, status, and type.
Contacts OptionsShow contactsIncludes the contact information of the contacts that the service request is for.

Report Format

  • PDF
  • RTF
Specifies the file format for the report.

SLM Touches Report

The SLM Touches Report contains service level management information for contacts. For each touch type, it lists contacts for which the touch type applies. It displays communication and service model information for each contact, as well details of any recent and upcoming touches.

The information comes from the Service Model card in the Summary tab on the Contacts workspace

and from the Service Level Management workspace

For each contact, the report displays:

  • First and last name.
  • Tier and service level.
  • Communication information such as business phone, home phone, and email address.
  • Touch status and touch target date.
  • Last touch details.

It can also optionally include details for any activities associated with this touch type for the contact.

Service model information for each contact is also included in the Detail Report. For more information, see Detail report.

Generating the SLM Touches Report

You can generate an SLM Touches Report for a single contact, multiple contacts, or all contacts who have touches of the specified touch type.

Generate the SLM Touches Report for one contact or multiple contacts from the Contacts workspace data table. Generate the report for all contacts who have touches of the specified touch type from the Service Level Management workspace. 

When running the report, you are able to specify the following additional parameters:

Dialog sectionReport ParameterDescription

Report for Contact

This section is only displayed when running the report from the Contacts workspace.
Current ContactRun the report for the single specified entity.
Current Contact ListRun the report for all entities specified by the filter results or saved list that was active when you chose to run the report.
Service Level Management OptionsTouch TypeType of touch included in the report. The options are Holiday Greeting, Proactive Touch, and Review.

The period of when the touch target date occurs, or when the touch was completed or scheduled. The options are This Period and Next Period.

The period for each touch type is configured when the Service Level Management (SLM) settings are set up in NexJ Admin Console.

Include overdue touchesSelect to include touches where the target date has already passed.
Touch StatusStatus of the touches included in the report. The options are Unscheduled, Scheduled, Completed, and Deferred. If no value is selected, then all statuses are included.
Sort by

Specify how you want the touches to be sorted in the report. The options are Contact Name, Tier, Touch Status, Touch Target, and Last Touch.

Group bySpecify how you want the touches to be grouped in the report. The options are Tier, Touch Status, and Service Level. If no value is selected, then the touches are not grouped.
Show activitiesSelect to show activities associated with touches for each contact.
Show the full note for each activitySelect to show full note for each activity.
Report Format
  • PDF
  • Excel
  • RTF
Specifies the file format for the report.
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