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Use the Document Manager workspace

to store, organize, and modify documents that are not associated with a specific entity. A document is an object in NexJ CRM that is used to store computer files, such as Microsoft Word, PDF, or image files, as attachments.

Document Manager workspace

The Document Manager workspace allows you to store and manage any documents that you use in NexJ CRM.

A single document can have multiple file attachments. Documents in the Document Manager are organized in a folder hierarchy structure. Folders and documents can display in the same data table list. Document folders display in the data table with the

icon. Documents display in the data table with the

The Document Manager workspace enables you to:

  • Search for folders and documents in the Document Manager by typing the name of the folder or document in the text search field.
  • Display the documents contained in the selected folder or returned by your search as records in the data table.
  • Add document folders and documents to the system.
  • Open a document to display and modify details.
  • Delete a document.
  • Set a default document folder.
  • Associate a copy of a document with a specific entity.
  • Send batch emails for one or more entities.
  • Batch print documents from the Document Manager workspace for one or more entities.
When viewing a list of documents in the data table, you can see the full notes associated with each document. The note is displayed as a new row, below the row with all other information about the document. To include the notes rows in the data table, use the Select columns command in the More Actions menu to select the Note column.

Working with folders and documents

  • To open a document folder, click on the document folder link in the data table. This displays the documents that are in the folder.
  • To edit a document folder, double-click in any column except the Name column to open the Edit dialog or click the Edit button
    for the row.
  • To open a document, click on the document link in the Name column to open the Edit dialog or click the Edit button for the row.

You can set the default document folder in one of two ways.

  • Set the current folder as your default folder by clicking the Set as Default Folder button
     in the data table toolbar.
  • Select the required folder in the data table, click the Set as Default Folder button for the row, and click OK in the confirmation message.

Security requirements

  • Your administrator must grant you the mda:DocMgrBatchEmailEnabled privilege before you can send batch emails. After you have been granted this privilege, you can select the Email menu option in the More Actions menu for a document record.
  • Your administrator must grant you the mda:DocMgrBatchPrintEnabled privilege before you can batch print documents. After you have been granted this privilege, you can select the Print Document menu option in the More Actions menu for a document record.

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