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Managing Document Manager folders

The folder system in the Document Manager workspace is very similar to Microsoft Windows Explorer.

To open a document folder in the data table, click on the document folder link. This displays the documents that are in the folder in a data table. To edit a document folder, double-click in any column except the Name column to open the Edit dialog.

Creating Document Manager folders

Creating folders in the Document Manager helps you to organize your documents.

To create a folder, click the Add button

in the data table toolbar and select Folder. You must provide a name for the folder in the Folder Name field in the Add a folder dialog.

You can also change the folder's parent folder by selecting the desired folder in the Parent Folder field.

You can only delete folders that are empty and don't contain documents or sub-folders.

Folder details and security

You can select view and edit security levels for the folders in the Security tab in the Add a folder dialog.

The view and edit security of a folder will apply to all the folder's contents. If you cannot view a folder, you will not be able to view its contents either. Similarly, if you do not have permission to edit a folder, you will not be able to change the contents of the folder.

For more information about security settings, see Security settings for objects in NexJ CRM.

Moving Document Manager folders

You can move a folder by changing its parent folder.

To move a folder, in the Add a folder dialog, select a different folder in the Parent Folder field or edit the selected folder in the data table and add a different parent folder.

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