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Reviewing business processes

Review a business process on the Contacts workspace when you want to read the reviewer's rejection notes and make the desired changes to the form.

Before starting this task, ensure that you have restarted the rejected business process, otherwise you will not be able to edit the form.

To review a business process:

  1. Select the entity for whom you want to review a business process, and select the Business Processes tab.
  2. Click the Edit button 
    for the required business process.
  3. Read the rejection notes that were entered in the Notes field by the reviewer.
  4. Click the link to the business process in the data table to revise the related form based on the reviewer's notes.
  5. When you are ready to submit the form for approval, click Submit.

The Submit button is only available when you are on the last page of the form. You must provide all required answers and correct any validation errors before the form can be submitted.

You have now reviewed the business process and made the desired changes to the form. The approval steps from the business process will now be assigned to their corresponding users, who can then review the submitted form and either approve or reject it. Changes can no longer be made to the form unless it is rejected by one of the reviewers, then restarted.

Restarting business processes

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