Managing campaigns
The Campaigns workspace lets you create campaigns and manage the details associated with them, including steps, participants, and opportunities.
A campaign is a coordinated set of predefined activities for achieving a marketing-related goal, such as a fundraising campaign.
Best practices for using campaigns
Consider using campaigns to:
- Manage bulk email lists and track responses from contacts
- Manage and send invitations for events such as seminars
- Track lead stages for targeted marketing campaigns
Avoid using campaigns to:
- Create saved lists or to share lists
FAQs for using campaigns and opportunities
This FAQ contains questions and answers about when to use campaigns and opportunities.
Campaigns workspace
The Campaigns workspace is divided into two areas:
- The Campaigns list on the left, which displays a list of all campaigns.
- The detail zone on the right, which displays all of the information related to the selected campaign. This area has the following tabs:
Displays the details of the selected campaign, including the name, manager, and any associated products.
Displays any documents attached to the campaign.
Displays the participants in the campaign and their status related to the campaign.
Displays any opportunities generated from the campaign.
Contains two graphs showing participant statuses and opportunity status versus expected revenue. The bar graph on the left displays the number of participants for each participant status (only participant statuses with at least one participant having that status will appear on the graph). The x-axis displays the different participant statuses, and the y-axis displays the number of participants. The bar graph on the right displays the expected revenue generated for each opportunity stage (only the stages with at least one opportunity on that stage will be displayed). The x-axis displays the different opportunity stages, and the y-axis displays the expected revenue. This graph displays the accumulated data for all opportunities, grouping these opportunities by stage.
Creating campaigns
You can create new campaigns.
To create a campaign:
The campaign is created and appears in the Campaigns list.
Filtering the Campaigns list
You can filter the Campaigns list using the search input provided at the top of the campaigns list.
Type in the name or description of the campaign and click the Find button . To filter using advanced search criteria, click the Show Filter button and enter the required search criteria. You can search by manager, status, priority, or any combination of each. As you enter your search criteria, it displays as read-only text in the Filtered by field.
Modifying properties for a campaign
You can modify a campaign's properties.
To modify a campaign's properties:
You have modified a campaign's properties
Using the allocation rules assignment model
The Allocation Rules field in the Detail tab contains a drop-down list of assignment models that can be applied to campaigns (i.e., that have their Assignment Target field set to Campaign Coverage). These assignment models are created in NexJ Admin Console and automatically assign a user to a new participant upon creation based on the rule set of the model for both individually added participants and automatically selected participants.
An assignment model is a method used to assign roles or activities to users automatically in a variety of situations, including campaigns and activity plans.
If a model requires a coverage role to function, then you can select the coverage role from the Role field beside the Allocation Rules field.
NexJ Admin Console comes with one preset assignment model for campaigns: Campaign User. This assignment model requires that you input an entity coverage role, and does the following:
- It looks at the coverage for the new participant. If a user who is covering the participant has the same coverage role as the one that was selected in the Role field, then that user is assigned to be the owner of the participant.
- If no user covering the participant has that role, or if no users are covering the participant, then the user who is the campaign manager becomes the owner.
Using the Documents tab
The Documents tab in the Campaigns workspace displays all of the documents associated with the campaign. Note that you cannot add documents here but you can add, remove, and edit the attachments of any existing documents.
Using the Participants tab
The Participants tab in the Campaigns workspace displays all of the participants associated with a campaign, as well as their status and owner.
About participants
A participant is an entity (usually not a user) that is involved in a campaign, and will be in contact with the user responsible for it during the campaign.
The status of a participant signifies their current standing within a campaign. You can choose from any of the five default statuses (inactive, initiated, responded, not interested, or removed) as well as any custom statuses that have been set in the Enumerations page in NexJ Admin Console.
The owner of a participant is the user who is specifically assigned to all the activities for a specific participant in a campaign. Depending on your allocation rules, an owner may be automatically assigned to the participant upon creation. Each participant must have an owner associated with it or you will not be able to initiate their campaign.
Adding participants to a campaign from the Campaigns workspace
You can add any entity in NexJ CRM to a campaign as a participant.
To add participants to a campaign:
Your selected participants are added to the campaign.
You can also add participants to the campaign from the Contacts workspace. You can add:
- A single participant by clicking the Actions button for a contact and selecting .
- Multiple participants by selecting checkboxes for multiple contacts in the contact list, and then selecting .
Selecting participants using a predefined filter
If several of the intended participants of the campaign share a common property, such as a company, last name, or category, then you can use the Select Participants button in the Participants tab to automatically add all of the applicable entities to the participant list.
An entity is an object in NexJ CRM that represents a person (such as a user, contact, or lead) or an organization of individuals (such as household, company, or department). In addition, it can represent an investment account. When Capital Markets functionality is enabled, entities can also represent institutions, sectors, and funds .
To use the Select Participants feature, your campaign must have values in the Manager , Allocation Rules , and Role fields so that automatically added participants are assigned owners. To verify these values, click the Detail tab and review the campaign's properties. See Modifying properties for a campaign for information on how to modify these properties.
To select participants for an existing campaign using a predefined filter:
You can apply different filters and use the Select Participants button multiple times to add several groups of entities to the campaign. Entities that are covered by more than one filter will only be added a single time to the Participants list.
A maximum of 4096 participants can be added to any single campaign.
Initiating a campaign for a single participant
You can initiate a campaign for a single participant, which will assign the corresponding steps to the participant's owner and change the participant's status.
To initiate a campaign for a single participant:
- Navigate to the Campaigns workspace.
- In the Campaigns list, select your desired campaign.
- Click the Participants tab.
- In the Participants list, locate the participant you want to initiate.
- Click the Action button for the participant and select Start.
The status of your selected participant is updated to Initiated and the status of the campaign, if set to Inactive , is updated to Active .
Initiating a campaign for all participants
You can initiate a campaign in batch for all of its participants, which will assign the corresponding steps to the participants' owners and change the participants' statuses.
To initiate a campaign for all its participants:
The status of all the campaign's participants is updated to Initiated and the status of the campaign, if set to Inactive , is updated to Active .
Editing a participant's status and owner
Within a campaign, you can edit the participants' information to reflect their owner or their status. However, in order to change a participant's status, they must first be initiated in the campaign. See Initiating a campaign for a single participant and Initiating a campaign for all participants for more information on how to initiate campaigns for a single participant or all participants.
To edit a participant's status and owner:
Your desired status and owner changes are made.
Modifying opportunity properties
The Opportunities tab displays a list of all of the opportunities that have been generated from this campaign. These opportunities have been added for each individual participant in their Journal tab in the Contacts workspace, and cannot be added or removed here. You can, however, change the properties of an opportunity here.
If an opportunity has a business process in progress, the opportunity is locked until the business process is approved, rejected, or deleted. You can add activities to a locked opportunity but cannot edit other opportunity properties.
To change the properties of an opportunity:
You have updated opportunity details for a participant.
Related links
Emailing documents from the Campaigns workspace
You can email a document from the Campaigns workspace to a single contact or multiple contacts.
To email a document to a contact or multiple contacts:
- In the Logging Options and Touches tab, select Create a journal entry for each recipient with personalized copies of the specified document to create a journal entry on the Activities tab for each selected lead. This checkbox is selected by default.
- In the Log Item Description field, enter
The emails and attached documents are personalized and sent to the specified recipients. If an error occurs, an alarm dialog displays that tells you what caused the error and what to do next.