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Channel settings for a NexJ CRM deployment with Exchange Online

A deployment of NexJ CRM with Exchange Online requires that you add certain channels to the environment file.

Deployments with Exchange Online use a mail channel and a receiver notification channel similar to Exchange Server deployments. For more information, see Channel settings for a typical NexJ CRM deployment with Exchange Server. An Exchange Online specific sender channel also needs to be configured as described below.

Sender channel settings

A deployment of NexJ CRM with Exchange Online requires that you add a sender channel to the environment file.

ExchangeEWSSender channel connection settings

The Value column in the following table contains the recommended settings.

ChannelExchangeEWSSender5The name of the channel configured for synchronization.
TypeHTTPConnectionThe type of channel to use.
URL host must be Exchange Web Services for the target.


The user has two components separated by a colon. The first component is the application ID of the AAD registered application and the second component is the mailbox address of the service account.


The password has two components separated by a colon following the "text" prefix. The first component is the client secret created in the AAD registered application and the second component is the password of the service account.
AuthenticationcustomThe type of authentication to use.
Use HTTPS CommunicationtrueUses HTTPS communication in the receiver. In XML, this attribute is secure.
Authentication Componentrpc:System.Authentication.EXOIn XML, this attribute is authComponent, and is used to identify the token URL for AAD.
maxSendersThe total number of synchronized users divided by 10.If you are streaming notifications, you must configure the maxSenders attribute, which provides the maximum number of threads in the connection pool used for an Exchange EWS notification. 

Configuring a proxy server for Exchange Online OAuth

You can use a proxy auto-config file to configure a proxy server for requests made through HTTP channels. To configure a proxy server for Exchange Online OAuth:

  1. Add the pac mixin to your environment file.
  2. Add the pac.url property to the environment file and set the value to the URL of the PAC file.
  3. Add the following proxy authentication configuration to the HTTP channel connection, if appropriate:

    proxyAuthentication="proactive", or proxyAuthentication="basic"
    proxyPassword="<proxypass>", proxyUser="<proxyusr>".
  4. Optionally, add the following environment properties to control the behavior of pac URL caching:

    • pac.cacheSize: Maximum cache entry count (defaults to 256)

    • pac.cacheTimeout: Cache timeout in milliseconds (defaults to 604800000 - equivalent to one week)

    • pac.cacheScope: PAC cache scope: host|port|url (defaults to host)

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