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Configuring document templates

document template is a document type that is used when creating documents specifically for individual entities.

Adding document templates

You can add document templates from the Document Codes page.

To add a new document template:

  1. Navigate to the Document Codes page.
  2. In the Document Templates tab, click the Add button 


    The Name and Document Type fields are mandatory.

    The Add Document Template dialog opens.

  3. Enter a name for the document template in the Name field.
  4. Click the Select button 
     in the Document Type field and select desired document type.
  5. Click OKThe Add Document Template dialog closes.

Deleting document templates

To delete an existing document template:

  1. Navigate to the Document Codes page.

  2. In the Document Templates tab, click the Action button 
     for the document template you want to delete, and click the Delete button 

You cannot delete the document template if it has been used to create a document in NexJ CRM.

Modifying document templates

To modify the properties of a document template:

  1. Navigate to the Document Codes page.

  2. In the Document Templates tab, select a template to modify its properties. Its properties appear in the Details tab at the right side of the page.
  3. Click the Edit button 
     in the Details tab. 
    The Edit Document Template dialog opens.
  4. To change the document template's name, description, or notes, change the text in the corresponding fields.
  5. To change the document template's document type, click the Select button 
     in the Document Type field. 
    The Select Document Type dialog opens.
  6. Locate and select the desired document type, and click OKThe Select Document Type dialog closes.
  7. Select or clear the Active checkbox to make this document template accessible or inaccessible.
  8. Click OKThe Edit Document Template dialog closes.

Adding attachments to document templates

An attachment is any computer file, such as a Microsoft Word document, that is attached to an activity, campaign, batch email, or document in NexJ CRM.

To add attachments to a document template:

  1. Navigate to the Document Codes page.
  2. In the Document Templates tab, select the document template you want to add attachments to.
  3. In the Attachments tab, at the top of the Document Manager Items list, click the Select button 
    The Select Document dialog opens, showing all existing documents in the Document Manager.
  4. Select the document you want to add from the list and click OKThe Select Document dialog closes.

The document appears in the Document Manager Items list. Click it to view its attachments in the Attachments section on the right. Whenever you create a document from this template, the document will automatically have this attachment attached to it.

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