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Managing categories

You can add, delete, and change categories as well as assign them to a category group. You can also change the order in which categories display in  NexJ CRM , and make a category active or inactive.

You can also filter the categories list by category group and status to display only the categories that you want to view.

Adding categories to the system

You can add new categories in NexJ Admin Console.

To add a new category:

  1. Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
  2. In the  Categories tab, click the Categories subtab, and then click the  Add Category  button 
     at the top of the categories list. 
    The Add Category dialog opens.
  3. In the  Detail tab, in the  Name field, enter the category's display name.
  4. [Optional] In the  Description field, enter a description of the category. The description displays in  NexJ CRM .
  5. [Optional] In the  Icon field, to select an icon to represent the category in  NexJ CRM :
    1. Click the  Select button 
      The Select Icon dialog opens.
    2. Select an icon and click  OK The Select Icon dialog closes.
  6. In the  Group field, select the category group to apply to the category. The category group defines the tab in which the category displays on the Contacts workspace.
  7. Select the  Active checkbox to make the category available in  NexJ CRM .
  8. [Optional] Select the End User Read Only  checkbox to prevent this category from being accessible in  NexJ CRM . If enabled, the only way that this category can be added or removed is by modifying the database directly.
  9. [Optional] If you want to select this category as a field, when specifying rule criteria in the  Rules tab on the Customize workspace in  NexJ CRM , select  Show in Rule Conditions . If the checkbox is not selected, this category will not be available for selection in the Field Picker dialog when creating rule criteria.

    If you clear the  Show in Rule Conditions  checkbox for a category, rules that already use the category still work but the category no longer displays in the Field Picker dialog on the Customize workspace.

  10. [Optional] In the  Reference Name field, modify the internal reference name. The  Reference Name field populates based on the value entered in the  Name field.
  11. In the  Entity Types  tab, use the  Add or  Remove buttons to define the entity types that the category belongs to.

    You can only add entity types that have been added to the category group to which the category belongs. For example, if a category belongs to the Profile category group, then you can only add entity types that belong to the Profile category group.

  12. In the  Security  tab, you can change the view and edit security levels of this category.

    You cannot modify view and edit security levels for the category after it has been created. If you want to restrict view or edit access to this category, you must set it now. The default view and edit settings are Public.

  13. Click  OK .
    The Add Category dialog closes.

The category is added to the system and is available to users in NexJ CRM. 

Modifying categories

You can modify a category's properties and change the entity types for which a category is available.

For example, you can edit the name, description, and icon that display in NexJ CRM for a category, change a category's group, and make a category active or inactive.

The changes that you make to a category are also reflected in any contacts associated with this category.

 If you deactivate a category that is assigned to a contact, the category remains assigned to the contact but is no longer available for users to add to other contacts.

To modify a category:

  1. Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
  2. In the  Categories tab, select the  Categories subtab.
  3. In the categories list, select the category that you want to modify. The category's details appear in the Detail area to the right of the categories list.
  4. To modify a category's properties:
    1. In the Detail area, click the  Edit button 
      The Edit Category dialog opens.
    2. Make your changes, then click  OK The Edit Category dialog closes.

      You cannot modify the view and edit security of an existing category. View and edit security settings are set when you create the category and are noneditable.

  5. To change the entity types in which a category is available:
    1. In the Entity Types area, click the  Select button 
      The Select Entity Types dialog opens.
    2. In the list on left, select the entity type to make the category available in, and click  Add
    3. Click  OK The Select Entity Types dialog closes. 
    You can only add entity types that have been added to the category group to which the category belongs. For example, if a category belongs to the Profile category group, then you can only add entity types that belong to the Profile category group.

The category's properties are now modified.

Reordering the categories list

You can change the order in which categories display on the Contacts workspace in  NexJ CRM  by moving them up and down in the categories list.

To change the categories list order:

  1. Navigate to the Entity Codes page.

  2. In the  Categories tab, select the  Categories subtab.
  3. In the categories list, select the category whose position you want to change in the order.
  4. Click the Up
     and Down
     buttons at the top of the categories list to move the selected category up or down respectively.
  5. Click the  Save button 
     to save your changes to the list's order.

The order in which categories display for new and existing contacts in NexJ CRM is updated.

Deleting categories from the system

You can delete categories that you no longer want. 

If you want to only temporarily remove a category so that users can no longer add it to contacts, you should instead deactivate it.

You cannot delete a category if it is used by a contact in  NexJ CRM .

To delete a category:

  1. Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
  2. In the  Categories tab, in the  Categories subtab, click the  Action button 
     for the category you want to delete and select  Delete .
    A confirmation dialog opens, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the selected category.
  3. Click  Delete .

The category is deleted.

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