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Managing category groups

There are six category groups in the system. You can rename any of the groups, change their descriptions, make them active or inactive, specify which contact types they apply to, and change their order in the  Category Groups  list.

By default, groups are named Financial, Group1, Group2, Interests, Private, and Profile. To display in NexJ CRM, a category group must have contact types assigned to them. By default, only the Private and Profile groups have contact types assigned.

You can also use the up 

 and down 
 buttons at the top of the Category Groups  list to change the order in which groups display in NexJ Admin Console.

Modifying category groups

You can modify the name and description for a category group and make a group active or inactive.

Changes that you make to a category group are reflected in NexJ CRM. Categories that belong to a contact are also preserved if you make a category group inactive and then active again.

To modify the properties of a category group:

  1. Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
  2. In the  Categories tab, select the  Category Groups subtab.
  3. In the  Category Groups  list, select the group that you want to modify. The category group's details appear in the Detail area to the right of the categories list.
  4. In the Detail area, click the  Edit button 
    The Edit Category Group dialog opens.
  5. In the  Name field, enter a display name for the category group tab in a contact's profile in  NexJ CRM .

    The group tab label that you enter is appended by "Categories" in NexJ CRM. For example, the Public category group is named the Public Categories tab on the Contacts workspace.

  6. In the  Description field, enter an internal description of the category group.
  7. Enable the  Active checkbox to make the category group available in  NexJ CRM .

    You must also assign one or more contact types to the category group to make the group available in NexJ CRM. For example, if you add the Company contact type to a category group, the group displays in a company's profile on the Contacts workspace.

  8. Click  OK The Edit Category Group dialog closes.

The category group's properties are modified. Next, define contact types for the category group. 

Defining contact types for a category group

You can change the contact types that are available to users for a category group. For example, add the Company contact type to a category group to make the group available as a tab for company contacts on the Contacts workspace.

Changes that you make to a category group are reflected in NexJ CRM.

To define contact types for a category group:

  1. Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
  2. In the  Categories tab, select the  Category Groups subtab.
  3. In the  Category Groups  list, select the group you want to define the contact types for.
  4. In the Entity Types for Group area, click the  Select button 
    The Select Entity Types dialog opens.
  5. In the list on the left, select a contact type and click  Add  to add the contact type to the category group.
  6. Click  OK The Select Entity Types dialog closes.

The contact types are defined for the category group.

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