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Modifying the master sort order of custom fields

You can change the master sort order for custom fields by moving them up and down in the custom fields list on the Entity Codes page in NexJ Admin Console. The changes are applied to the custom fields created by all end users and the new order displays in Detail Reports and contact profiles.

Business administrators can create their own customized sort order for their custom fields on the Customize workspace in NexJ CRM, which overrides the master sort order created by system administrators.

To change the master sort order of a custom field:

  1. Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
  2. In the Custom Field Types tab, click the Custom Field Types subtab, and select the required custom field.
  3. Click the Up button 
     to move the custom field up in the order or the Down button 
     to move the custom field down in the order.
  4. Click the Save button 
     to save your changes.

The order of the custom fields list is updated and the sort order changes for these custom fields are shown in the Profile subtab for contacts.

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