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New features delivered in 22.06

The following features and enhancements were included as part of 22.06:

NexJ CRM user experience enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements to the user experience.

Creating a new contact from the household members selection dialog

You can add a new member to a household from the Members card in the Summary tab on a household profile. Prior to this release, you could only select an existing contact to include in a household. You can now create a new contact from the Add a Household Member dialog (AFL-7423).

For more information, see the "Households" topic in the end-user documentation.

Selecting household addresses and communication methods for a contact

After you specify an address or a communication method for a household, you can now add that information to a contact's profile by selecting it from a list (AFL-7424, AFL-7454). The address or communication method can be added for every contact who is a member of that household, instead of typing in the information multiple times, with increased potential for errors. If you edit the information in the household profile or any household member's profile, the same changes apply in all other locations where the address or communication method has been specified.

For more information, see the "Managing addresses" and "Managing communication methods" topics in the end-user documentation.

Reporting enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements to the ad hoc reporting functionality:

User Interface enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements to the user experience for ad hoc reporting.

Attribute selection dialogs

To help with adding fields or filters to a report, the Add Fields, Add Filters, and Add Groupings dialogs now have the following tabs (CDM-4506):

  • Basic - attributes that hold only one value (for example, Company Name).
  • Associations - attributes that hold more complex data (for example, Business Address). Click on the expand button
    beside the name of an association to select from the basic attributes and associated objects that relate to an association.
  • Collections - groups of related fields. Click on the expand button

    beside the name of a collection to select from the basic attributes and associated objects that relate to a collection.


When a selected field value for a report is long and displays with an ellipsis (...), you can hover over the field in the Report Builder, and a tooltip displays that shows the full field value (CDM-4561).

Support for displaying nested collections

It is now possible to configure a report with nested collections; for example, for a Deals report you can select the Coverage collection, and the User > Telcoms subcollection (CDM-4695). The UI has been enhanced to provide a better user experience. For such reports, the CSV export functionality has been restricted to "expanding" collection attributes to multiple rows (CDM-4866).

For more information, see "Ad hoc reports" in the end-user documentation.

Default sort order of enumerations

By default, enumeration type attributes use the sort order that is defined in the NexJ CRM model (CDM-4833). For example, when you create a Deals report, you can add the Stage field that provides enumeration type attribute values that are predefined (for example, Closed, Initial, Planning and Research). Enumeration type attributes are sorted in the same way as CRM in filters, groupings, sorting, and visualizations both in the reporting user interface, and exported files.

For more information, see "Ad hoc reports" in the end-user documentation.

Subject area configuration enhancements

Developers can specify additional filtering criteria that will always be applied in a report (for example, to exclude Users from a Contacts report) using a whereClause subject area configuration parameter (CDM-4737).

Similarly, developers can specify additional filtering criteria using the pickerWhere parameter that will be applied whenever a selection dialog is displayed for filtering on specific associations using the ID attribute (CDM-4560).

Developers can hide the nested list of basic or association attributes that would otherwise be visible under an association. For example, in an Activities report, the "For" association has other attributes in its hierarchy, which include Full Name and Last Name. To hide this underlying hierarchy for an association in the Add Fields or Add Filters dialogs, developers can use the hideHierarchy=true subject area flag on an association (CDM-4792).

For more information, see Ad hoc reports development.

Security enhancements

This release includes the following security enhancement:

  • The Highcharts JavaScript library has been upgraded to version 10.0.0, released by Highsoft AS on March 7, 2022 (AFL-7152).
  • OWASP AntiSamy has been upgraded to version 1.6.5, released by the OWASP Foundation on Jan 31, 2022 (AFL-5580). For more information, see HTML sanitization.

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