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Reporting and analytics

This section describes known issues that pertain to ad hoc report and predefined report functionality in NexJ CRM.


Known issues related to reporting functionality that uses the NexJ Reporting Engine are documented in the NexJ Reporting Engine release notes document.

Predefined reporting


There is an issue where 30 minute schedule items set to start midway through an hour show in the Schedule Day Report as spanning a one-hour interval ending at the scheduled end time.


When you have created a Schedule Month Report on the Schedule workspace, and opened the saved report, the month caption in the title for the report is incorrect. This issue is specific to the Indian Standard Time (IST) time zone.

Ad hoc reporting


After you trigger a report to be executed, the Update Report button 

is greyed out and becomes unavailable in the user interface. However, It is currently possible to update an already executing report if you navigate back to the report library and open the report again.


The presence of bireport privileges to the project-level security files is ignored when you validate or publish the model, resulting in an Unknown Privilege error.

Seed the privileges in the model using a SysUpgrade.


If you create a chart that uses two Y-axes, the visualization of the second axis may incorrectly display the data, legend, and captions.

Updating the report repeatedly eventually causes the chart to display as expected. However, later refreshes may cause the issue to reappear.


In a stand-alone reporting configuration, if a user updates a newly created report, they will not receive a notification when the update completes.


If a user has a public report open at the same time that an administrator is making changes to its definition, those changes may not be recognized when the user clicks Update Report.

To see the changes made to the report, the user must refresh their page.


Sample data for reports and dashboards is seeded erroneously for disabled subject areas.


In a Reporting environment configured with replicated CRM database, and when a report is updated or exported, no notifications are displayed. However, the report is still updated or the export file downloaded successfully.


In a NexJ CRM environment with ad hoc reporting enabled, if you have built a dashboard that includes any of the pre-configured report templates, and subsequently updated your NexJ Reporting configuration to be deployed on a dedicated Reporting server, the previously added report templates will need to be re-added to the dashboard. Manually configured reports are not affected by this defect.


Users are unable to create a report containing filters on the Reports workspace, and then modify the report name or the description an unlimited number of times without encountering an "Invalid collection item in attribute "filters" of class "bireport:Report" (expected TransferObject)" error.

Refresh the Report Builder page and then make your changes.


When you build an ad-hoc report that contains currency values, and then select a different currency in the User Preferences dialog in NexJ CRM, the change is not reflected in the report output. This bug is isolated to environments with a dedicated Reporting server.

You must re-create the reports.


Users who do not have the rpt:DashboardManage privilege should not be able to build, edit, or export new dashboards. Currently, they are able to create and export public dashboards. For private dashboards, they can initiate dashboard building but receive the following error: Error - Access denied to an instance of class "bireport:Dashboard".


When you log into NexJ Admin Console, create a new privilege group with the rpt:gReportPublicManage privilege (for example, PR1), create a new user, add the Manage Contacts and the PR1 privilege groups to the user, log into NexJ CRM as the newly created user, navigate to the Reports workspace, click the Add Report button to add a new report, and select any template (for example, Company List), the user is only able to create public reports for new blank reports. Reports based on existing templates can only be created as private.


If you log into NexJ CRM as a user with reporting privileges, navigate to the Reports workspace, click the Select columns button

, and deselect all data table columns, all data table buttons and columns disappear from the Reports workspace, and you can't add a new report or add back deselected columns.


In rare cases, the calculations added to a report in the Summary tab may not display the correct values. This problem is most visible when you add one or more sub-groupings and calculations on attributes that are not from the sub-grouping. For example, in a Contacts report when you have a sub-grouping on Activities and add a calculation of Sum (Related Opportunity > Expected Amount), the value of Expected Amount at the top-level grouping will not be accurate.


You cannot successfully search for attributes that include brackets in their captions when adding fields to ad hoc reports.


You cannot export ad hoc reports to PDF or CSV file formats when you are using an iPad.


When you use NexJ Reporting, occasionally the column header for a complex column may display with the leading text showing as "undefined".


The summary grouping on report dates can be inconsistent depending on the time zone.


When you include currency fields through associations in a report (for example, currency fields for a related deal in a call records report), the fields appear blank even when there is data.


Related opportunities data for household members does not export as expected to CSV files.


When a report that includes more associated collections than is allowed by the "Max CSV collections" setting is exported to a CSV file, the "extra" collections are saved as headers without data, which could be misleading. The expected behavior is for such columns to not be included in the exported file.


You cannot apply multiple filters fields one by one to a dashboard for ad hoc reporting as adding a new filter field erases the filter field you had previously added.


Changing the operator for a dashboard filter field for ad hoc reporting from equals to not equals throws an unexpected error.


Exported charts for reports omit bars for timestamps that should show as zero.


While building reports that select a large number of records, the preview of the Summary tab may take a long time to load when nested association attributes are added as groupings.


When multiple values are provided for a text filter in a report (for example, adding multiple text values for the equals or contains operators), are saved, and then edited again, the latest updated values may not always take effect.


When you have previously created a report from a template with sub-filters for associated filters, and then you attempt to create a new report from the same template, the sub-filters disappear from the configuration and only the associated filters remain.


In rare occasions, filtering on date type attributes in Reporting may return incorrect results. The issue is isolated to date attributes in NexJ CRM (for example, "Expected Close" for Opportunities) and where the time zone difference between the user entering data and the user generating the report is significant.

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