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Specifying integration log timeout values at deployment time

You can configure integration log timeout values for the system and for individual channels at deployment time. Requests and responses that exceed the timeout value are logged for channels that specify a log level of Warn or higher.

By default, the timeout value is 1,000 milliseconds. You can specify a new global timeout value in the environment file. You can also specify a timeout value for an individual channel in the environment file or in the channel's metadata file. You must build the model again for the changes in the channel metadata file to take effect. Changes to the environment file do not require a new build.

You can also specify a timeout value for a channel in NexJ System Admin Console at run time. The system first checks for the runtime value. If no runtime value is specified, the system checks the channel setting in the environment file and then in the channel's metadata file. Finally, the system checks the global value in the environment file. If none of the settings are specified, the default timeout value of 1,000 milliseconds applies.

Specifying a global timeout value for integration logging

You can specify a new global timeout value for integration logging. The value that you specify overrides the default timeout value of 1,000 milliseconds.

To configure the default timeout value:

  1. In NexJ Studio, navigate to the Deployment layer.
  2. In the Environments tab, open the environment file for your NexJ application.
  3. In the Source tab, in the <Environment> tag, add the channelWarningTimeout attribute and specify a timeout value in milliseconds. Specify the value as follows:
    where timeoutvalue specifies the default timeout value in milliseconds.
    The following example specifies a default timeout value of 2,000 milliseconds:
  4. Click Save 
     in the toolbar to save the changes to the environment file.

You have configured a global timeout value for integration logging.

Specifying the integration logging timeout in a channel metadata file

You can specify the integration logging timeout value for an individual channel in a channel's metadata file.

To specify the integration logging timeout value for a channel:

  1. In NexJ Studio, navigate to the Integration layer.
  2. In the Channels tab, open a channel. For example, open ExchangeEWSNotificationReceiver.
  3. In the Source tab, in the root tag section, add the warningTimeout attribute and specify a timeout value in milliseconds. Specify the value as follows:
    where timeoutvalue specifies the timeout value in milliseconds.
    For example, the following example specifies a timeout value of 2,000 milliseconds for the ExchangeEWSNotificationReceiver channel:
    <HTTP contentType="text/xml; charset=utf-8" get="true" nodeType="exchange" warningTimeout="2000">
  4. Click Save 
     in the toolbar to save the changes to the channel.

You have specified the integration logging timeout value for an individual channel.

Specifying the integration logging timeout for a channel in the environment file

You can specify the default integration log timeout value for a channel in the environment file.

To specify the default integration log timeout value for a channel:

  1. In NexJ Studio, navigate to the Deployment layer.
  2. In the Environments tab, open the environment file for your NexJ application.
  3. In the Source tab, in the <ChannelConnections> tag section, add the following warningTimeout attribute to a specific channel and specify a timeout value in milliseconds. Specify the value as follows:
    where timeoutvalue specifies the timeout value in milliseconds.
    The following example specifies a timeout value of 2,000 milliseconds for the BatchProcessQueue channel.
    <MessageQueueConnection channel="BatchProcessQueue" password="nexj" user="nexjsa" warningTimeout="2000"/>
  4. Click Save 
     in the toolbar to save the changes to the environment file.

You have specified the integration log timeout value for a channel.

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