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NexJ CRM sample data

You can use the sample data to experiment with features in NexJ CRM. For example, to experiment with the call records feature, you can select the checkbox for Seed Call Records in the Sample Data Seeder dialog in NexJ Admin Console to enable the feature and load in sample records and activity templates. Sample data is useful for demonstrating how the system looks and is helpful for training as well.

You should not enable sample data for staging or production environments. Sample data should be used for testing purposes only.

Sample data is different from system configuration data. System configuration data is necessary for the application to operate (for example, schedule item templates, custom field types, and so on). Sample data is meant to mimic production data in development or QA environments to help developers and testers with their day-to-day work.

The sample data includes users that you can log in with and contacts that you can use to explore functionality in NexJ CRM.

Sample data is not supported on customized versions of NexJ CRM.

Loading sample data using the environment file

You can load sample data for your development or test environments by setting the sampleData attribute in the environment file in NexJ Studio, and then upgrading or recreating the database for the environment. Before you can load the sample data into your NexJ CRM application, confirm that your system meets the following prerequisites:

  • The application server is stopped.
  • The database is running.
  • You know the URL for the application into which you want to load the sample data.

To load sample data:

  1. In NexJ Studio, in the Deployment layer and in the Environments tab, open the environment file for the environment that you want to add sample data to.
  2. In the Source tab, locate the applicationType="ecrm"attribute. If you are loading sample data for on-premise deployments of NexJ CRM, leave the default value as is. If you are loading sample data for NexJ CRM for Wealth Management (NexJ CRM deployed in the Cloud), change the attribute value to wm for Wealth Management.
  3. Locate the sampleData="false" attribute, and change the attribute value to true.

  4. Click Save
    in the toolbar to save the changes to the environment.
  5. Load data by recreating the database.
  6. Confirm that the sample data was loaded by logging in to NexJ CRM as a sample user:
    1. In a web browser, enter the URL to access the application.
    2. When prompted for a user name and password, you can log in as either “wm1” (for a user named Henry Collins) under a ecrm configuration or “hcollins” under a wm configuration.

These changes are reflected in the following environment file XML example:
<Environment ... applicationType="ecrm"... sampleData="true">

The sample data is loaded and you can log in to NexJ Customer Relationship Management as a sample user.

Loading sample data using NexJ Admin Console

You select and load sample data categories in the Sample Data Seeder dialog, which is launched from Sample Data in the application toolbar in NexJ Admin Console. This helps you to focus your testing on specific areas of the application.

The Sample Data button is only enabled when the sampleData=true attribute is set in the environment file. For information about configuring the environment file, see Loading sample data using the environment file.

To load sample data using selected data categories:

  1. In NexJ Admin Console, click Sample Data.
    The Sample Data Seeder dialog opens.
  2. Select the data categories that you want to load.

    Some categories can be generated multiple times. For example, you can generate Leads data multiple times. Other categories can only be run once. For example, Capital Market can only be enabled once.

    In the following table, categories that are identified as being only available for 8.x releases can only be loaded using the classic user interface.

    Category TypeCategory NameDescriptionRelease availability
    Import Basic DataCommon DataGenerates users and contacts with associated data to show activities, opportunities, and other sample data.Available for 9.x - 22.03 and 8.x releases
    Enable VerticalWealth ManagementEnables the Wealth Management vertical for the application.Available for 9.x - 22.03 and 8.x releases
    Corporate & Commercial Banking

    Enables the Corporate Banking vertical for the application.

    Available for 9.x - 22.03 and 8.x releases
    Capital MarketEnables the Capital Market vertical for the application. Displays a summary designed for Capital Markets.Only available for 8.x releases
    Enable FeatureEnable Rule-based SLA

    Seeds data for the Service-Level Agreement functionality. Enables the System Preference Service Request SLA, that can be seen on the Global Application Settings page. Seeds work schedules and adds two sample rules on the Rules Editor page:

    • A rule for first response to a Service Request based on a contact's tier level (SetServiceRequestFirstReponseBy).
    • A rule to set the resolution time of a Service Request.
    Available for 9.x - 22.03 and 8.x releases
    Seed Call Records

    Enables Call Records, seeds in Act templates for Call Records and creates records for BMO Asset Management Inc., Atlantic Investment Management, Inc. and Apple Inc.

    Available for 9.x - 22.03 and 8.x releases
    Seed SLM

    Seeds Service-Level Management (SLM) data. Generates sample SLM data for users wm1 and wm2. Creates SLM touches from one year ago to the present. Advancing month by month, it completes SLM touches and creates future touches. When completed, log in with user wm1 and navigate to the Home workspace to see the generated SLM data.

    Only available for 8.x releases
    Seed TagsEnables the Tag feature and generates some sample Tags for contacts. For examples, see the Lamont family members.Only available for 8.x releases
    Seed Service Request External IDAdds external identification to Service Requests for certain contacts. For examples, when this feature is enabled, see the Lamont family Service Requests.Available for 9.x - 22.03 and 8.x releases
    Seed Service Request AssessmentSeeds Service Request Assessment templates for certain contacts. The Lamont family has assessments assigned to their Service Requests.Available for 9.x - 22.03 and 8.x releases
    Seed Service Request ApprovalsSeeds Approval templates for Service Requests. The templates are workflows that demonstrate the approval process for Service Requests.Available for 9.x - 22.03 and 8.x releases
    Enable Birthday MailerAdds a document folder and sample birthday mailers for contacts.Available for 8.x, 9.8, and later releases.
    Enable Email Sig.When this feature is enabled, the user can add a signature to batch emails.Available for 9.x - 22.03 and 8.x releases
    Enable Service RequestsSeeds in templates required for the Service Request feature. Templates are shown in the Service Request workspace.Available for 9.x - 22.03 and 8.x releases
    Enable ReportingEnables the Direct-Reporting feature. This feature enables privileges for users wm1 to wm9 and seeds sample direct queries.Only available for 8.x releases
    Enable Client InsightsEnables the Client insights feature. On the Contacts workspace, the Insights tab is displayed with sample articles shown based on a contact's interests.Only available for 8.x releases
    Enable Email-to-Service-RequestEnables the Email-to-Service-Request feature. This feature enables incoming emails to be converted into Service Requests for contacts. Contacts are matches by the incoming email address.Available for 9.x - 22.03 and 8.x releases
    Enable CPMEnables the CPM feature in the application and seeds sample forms.Only available for 8.x releases
    Generate DataTagsGenerates sample data for tags.Only available for 8.x releases
    InterestsGenerates sample data for interests.Only available for 8.x releases
    LeadsGenerates sample data for leads.Only available for 8.x releases

    B2B Companies

    Generates sample data for business to business companies.Available for 9.x - 22.03 and 8.x releases

    Service Requests

    Generates sample data for Service Requests.Available for 9.x - 22.03 and 8.x releases
    Generate Data (High Volume)LeadsGenerates the sample data for 500 leads.Only available for 8.x releases

    B2B Companies

    Generates 1,560 business to business companies. Each company has an associated contact, and about 30 meetings or tasks and 2 or 3 opportunities.Available for 9.x - 22.03 and 8.x releases
  3. Click OK to load the selected data.
    The execution status for each selected category can be viewed in the Process page in NexJ Admin Console. You can also reopen the Sample Data Seeder dialog to see a high level status of the data load. For example, if the category has a status of Completed in the Sample Data Seeder dialog then you have successfully loaded the data.

The sample data is loaded and you can log in to NexJ CRM as a sample user.

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