Interpreting performance banners for the classic version of the NexJ CRM UI
Performance banners display request and response metrics on a color-coded background for the classic version of the NexJ CRM user interface (available with 8.X releases).
Performance banners contain the following information:
Sample performance banner

The following metrics are displayed in each performance banner:
The time the portlet's HTTP request was made.
The sum of the network, server, and JavaScript execution time in milliseconds.
The network processing time in milliseconds.
The time the JavaScript took to process the response in milliseconds.
The time it took for the server to handle the request in milliseconds.
The number of SOA calls made to the server and maximum call depth reached by any single call.
The number of SQL queries the server made while handling the request.
Lazy Load
The number of lazy loads the server did while handling the request.
The size of the body of the response in KB.
Color coding
The following default threshold values determine the color of the performance banner. Green indicates favorable performance while red is an indication of a potential environment issue.
Performance banner default threshold values for desktop and laptop computers
Green | 0-750 ms | 0-200 KB | 0-15 | 0-5 |
Yellow | 750 - 1500 ms | 200 - 400 KB | Not applicable | 5 - 10 |
Red | 1500 ms | 400 KB or more | 15 or more | 10 or more |
Performance banner default threshold values for mobile devices
Green | 0-750 ms | 0-200 KB | 0-15 | 0-15 |
Yellow | 750 - 1500 ms | 200 - 400 KB | Not applicable | 15-30 |
Red | 1500 ms or more | 400 KB or more | 15 or more | 30 or more |
Merged performance metrics
Merged performance metrics display two sets of data in a portlet's performance banner.
The banner displays information about the two requests executed when a dialog is opened or closed. Merged performance metrics are separated with a comma and are displayed in the order in which they occurred.
Merged performance metrics provide you with a complete analysis of multi-step processes in your NexJ application.