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Working with audit trails in NexJ CRM

NexJ CRM keeps a history of actions that users have performed on records in the system. When you complete an action, such as viewing or modifying a contact record, the action is logged in the record's audit trail. Users with the appropriate privileges can view the history and details of these actions in a record's Audit Trail tab.

Viewing a record is logged only if the record's details or properties are viewed.

A record's audit trail allows you to see what information has been added or changed over the record's lifetime. When a record is created, viewed, or updated, an action is logged in the audit trail. In all of these cases, the user's name and the date and time of the action are recorded. If a record is updated, the changes are also logged, including the old and new values for each updated field.

Records for which an audit trail is kept include:

  • Activities, such as tasks and call records
  • Batch emails
  • Business processes
  • Entities
  • Interests (Inform)
  • Parent and product opportunities
  • Service requests

Audit Trail tab

You can find the Audit Trail tab on the Contacts, Opportunities, Tasks, and Service Requests workspaces, as well as when you modify an entity's record in the Business Processes tab or Activities tab, and when you modify an interest record for entities and add Inform tab.

The  Audit Trail tab is divided into the following areas:

  • The actions data table at the top, which lists all actions that users have performed on a selected record. This is where you select an action for which you want to view more detail. You can also filter the list of actions in this area by the dates on which they were performed and the user who performed them.
  • The details data table at the bottom, which lists the details of a selected action, including the attribute that was changed, its old value, and its new value.

Viewing audit trails for records

View a record's audit trail when you want to see the history of users' interactions with the record.

Before you can view audit trails, you must have been granted the AuditLogView privilege in NexJ Admin Console.

To view a record's audit trail:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • To view the audit trail for a contact, opportunity, or service request, navigate to the related workspace, and open the required record in the data table.
    • To view the audit trail for a business process, navigate to the Contacts workspace and select the contact or company whose business processes you want to view an audit trail for. Select the Business Processes tab, select the required business process record, and select the Edit button
    • To view the audit trail for an activity, navigate to the Contacts workspace and select the contact whose activities you want to view an audit trail for. Click the Edit button for the required activity record in the data table.
  2. Select the Audit Trail tab. The list of all audited actions for the record is displayed in the area at the top of the tab.
  3. [Optional] You can filter the data table on the Audit Trail tab to display specific action records.

    NexJ provides the following filter chips that you can use to filter the audit trail:

    • Action
      Select an operator and an audit action; for example, Read (view a record) or Create (create a new object).
    • Date
      Select an operator and a date.
    • User
      Select an operator and the required user or users.

    To add additional filter chips, click the Filter options button

    and select Add filter fields. For more information, see "Searching and filtering in NexJ CRM" in the end user documentation.

    Select the action whose details you want to view. Depending on the type of action, additional details might be available. The details for the selected action display in the data table at the bottom of the tab. Each row represents a field that was updated as part of the action. The field's name, old value, and new value are displayed. If a field did not have a value originally, the value in the Old Value column will be blank.

    To change which columns display in the data tables, click the Select columns button


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